Office of the Dean
Dean/ Faculty of Science

B.Sc (Hons)(EUSL), MPhil(PGIS, UPDN)
Senior Lecturer (Gr I) in Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Assistant Registrar/ Faculty of Science

Assistant Registrar
Mrs. R. Archsana
B. Sc. Ag. Tech. Mgt. (UPDN), MBA (SJP - PIM) & ACMA (UK)
Office of the Dean, FOS, EUSL.
Other Staff

Mrs. S. Mohan
Senior Staff Management Assistant
Office of the Dean, FOS, EUSL.

Mr. M. Ariharan
Management Assistant Gr. III
Office of the Dean, FOS, EUSL.

Mr. P. Thanushan
Management Assistant Gr. III
Examination Branch
Office of the Dean, FOS, EUSL.

Mr. P. Supananth
Management Assistant Gr. III
Finance Branch
Office of the Dean, FOS, EUSL.
Mrs. S. Sasikaladevi
Management Assistant Gr. III
Office of the Dean, FOS, EUSL.

Mr. S. Premakumar
Labourer Gr. III
Office of the Dean, FOS, EUSL.
Mrs. M. Nithiyan
Works Aide Gr III
Office of the Dean, FOS, EUSL.
Tel : 0652240528, 0652240758
Fax : 0652240758