Mrs. T. Pio Jude Navinthan
B.Sc (Hons)(EUSL), MPhil(PGIS, UPDN)
Senior Lecturer (Gr I) in Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Telephone: +94 65 2240753 (Office)
Fax: +94 65 2240758 (Office)
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Full Name: Thayamathy Pio Jude Navinthan
Official Address: Department of Mathematics, Eastern University, Chenkalady, 30350, Sri Lanka.
Academic Position: Senior Lecturer (Gr I) in Mathematics
Date of Birth: 1st October 1977
Marital Status: Married
Links to Publications
Gunasekara Y.M.N.S. and Thayamathy P.J.N, 2023. Constructing Holomorphic Type Functions of 3-D from Their Real Type or Imaginary Type Parts without the Cauchy-Riemann type Relations in Proceedings of ARS-FOS-2023, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, p 14.
TP Jude , P Elango and M. Koneswaran. M-polynomial and topological indices for the anti-tuberculosis drugs, J.Natn.Sci.Foundation Sri Lanka 50 (4): 827 – 838 (2022) DOI:10.4038/jnsfsr.v50i4.10786
Thayamathy Pio Jude, Elango Panchadcharam, Koneswaran. Mashilamani, 2020. Computing Zagreb and Randić Indices of PEG-Cored Dendrimers Used for Drugs and Gene Delivery, Journal of Chemistry, 2821510(2020) [7 pages] DOI: 10.1155/2020/2821510.
- Thayamathy Pio Jude, Elango Panchadcharam, Koneswaran. Mashilamani, Zagreb Topological Indices for hexadentate 3- hydroxypyridinones-treminated dendrimers use in iron binding and anti-microbial activities, Ruhuna Journal of Science, 11 59-70 (2020) DOI: 10.4038/rjs.v11i1.87
- T P Jude, E Panchadcharam, K Mashilamani, Topological Indices of Dendrimers used in Drug Delivery, Journal of Scientific Research, 12 645-655 (2020) DOI: 10.3329/jsr.v12i4.45389.
- P J N Thayamathy, P Elango, Identification of the Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of the Science Graduates of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka: A Case Study, Journal of Education and Practice, 11 141-147 (2020) DOI: 10.7176/J EP/11-15-17.
- T P Jude, E Panchadcharam, K Mashilamani, Computation of Zagreb and Randić Indices of two biodegradable dendrimers used in cancer therapy, Ceylon Journal of Science 48 359-366 (2019) DOI: 10.4038/cjs.v48i4.7677.
- P J N Thayamathy, P Elango, M Koneswaran, Forgotten Topological Index of some Nanostructures, International Journal of Current Multidisciplinary Studies, 4 909-914 (2018).
- P J N Thayamathy, P Elango, M Koneswaran, M-Polynomial and Degree based Topological Indices for Silicon Oxide, International Research Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry, 16 1-9 (2018) DOI: 10.9734/IRJPAC/2018/42645.
- Thayamathy Pio Jude, Elango Panchadcharam, Mashilamani Koneswaran, Degree Based Topological Indices for Buckyball, Annals of Pure and applied Mathematics (APAM), 17 249-257 (2018) DOI: 10.22457/apam.v17n2a11.
- P J N Thayamathy, P Elango, K A N K Karunaratna, Factor Affecting Academic Performances of Undergraduates: A Case Study with Third Year Science Undergraduate of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Journal of Education, Society and Behavioral Science, 25 1-10 (2018) DOI: 10.9734/JESBS/2018/41697.
- Thayamathy Pio Jude Navinthan, The Trigonometric Representation of Complex Type number system, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 7 587-591 (2017).
- K Thayamathy, H M Nasir, A Complex Number Type Presentation for Harmonic Analysis in Higher Dimensional Spaces, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, 2 163-168 (2013).
Peer reviewed Presentation at National / International Conferences / Symposia:
- K. Thayamathy, H. M. Nasir, A Complex Number Type Presentation for Harmonic Analysis in Three Dimensional Spaces, An abstract paper. PGIS Research Congress, University of Peradeniya, 10-11October 2014, Proceedings, Abstract of paper- 58: p 109 (2014).
- K. Thayamathy, H. M. Nasir, A Complex Number Type Presentation for Harmonic Analysis in Higher Dimensional Spaces, International Conference on Mathematics (ICM),09-10 August, (2013), Kochi, Kerala, India.
Research Interest
- Complex analysis
- Chemical Graph Theory
- AM 106 - Tensor Calculus
- CC 103 - Bio Mathematics
- EN1011 - Basic Mathematics
- PM 202, MT2212 - Metric Spaces
- PM 302, MT3013 - Complex Analysis I
- MT1023 - Limit Process
Special Degree
- MTS 20, MT4193 – Complex Analysis II
- MSED 2540 – Foundation of Analysis II
- Open University Batticaloa Regional Centre, Faculty of Engineering Technology
- MHZ4553 - Engineering Mathematics III (2020)
- MPZ 4230 – Engineering Mathematics II (2017, 2018, 2019).
Interfaculty teaching
- Faculty of Technology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- MDS 11031 - Basic Mathematics (2019/2020).
- MDS 11031 - Basic Mathematics (2018/2019)
- MDS 11031 - Basic Mathematics (2017/2018).
- Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- COM1013 – Business Mathematics (2017/2018)
- COM1013 – Business Mathematics (2016/2017)
- Faculty of Arts and Culture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- AMA 1252 – Basic Mathematics (2016/2017).
- Higher Education for Twenty first Century (HETC) Scholarship for M.Phil. Degree, 2012.
- Mahapola higher education scholarship awarded by the Mahapola higher education scholarship trust fund in 1997/1998.
Positions Held
- Head/Department of Mathematics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from February 2022.
- Coordinator of Gender Equity/Equality cell, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2021 to date.
- Member of Standing Committee of CGEE/UGC from 2021 to date.
- Member of Sports Council of Eastern University from 2021 to date.
- Member of the Career Guidance Advisory Board, EUSL from 2020 to date.
- Student Counsellor (2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021)
- Faculty Lead Student Counsellor (2019-2020).
- Faculty Academic Career Guidance Advisor from 2017 to date.
- Academic Counsellor and Mentor from 2014 to date.
- Member of the Gender Equity and Equality Cell, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 2016 to 2018.