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Prof. (Mrs.) MRJC Chandrakantha Mahendranathan


Prof. (Mrs.) MRJC Chandrakantha Mahendranathan
B.Sc. Hons.(EUSL), M.Phill. (UPDN), Ph.D (Cranfield, EUSL)
Associate Professor in Botany
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science,
Eastern University, Sri Lanka

Telephone: +94 65 2241455
Mobile: +94 772 516 404
Fax: +94 65 22 40972
Email:  /


Links to Publications


Book publication

  1. Mahendarnathan C. and E.M.Maleesha Chamindri Ekanayaka (2021). “Bio fertilizers- A promising alternative to Chemical Fertilizer”. Lambert Academic Publishing, Chisinau-2068, Republic of Moldov.
  2. Mahendranathan C. and Abhayarathne AHYG (2021). Antibacterial activities of Green leafy vegetables and Medicinal Plants; Lambert Academic Publishing, Chisinau-2068, Republic of Moldov a; ISBN: 978-620-3-85687-3.
  3. Priyashantha, KHA and Mahendranathan C (2020). Introduction to MIcrobiology. Oxford book company publishers, Jaipur, India.
  4. Sithambaresan, M., Priyantha W.M., Samarasinghe and Mahendranathan C. (2018). Phenylmethylidene Thiourea Copper Complex and Antibacterial Activity. Saarbrücken, German: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing.

Book Chapter

  1. Priyashantha, AKH., and Mahendranathan, C. (2021). ‘‘Paspanguwa’’; A Traditional Sri Lankan Herbal Drink”. In; Guang Yih Sheu (2021). “New Ideas Concerning Science and Technology Vol. 9”. Book Publisher international. 90-96 pp

Publications in Refereed Journals

  1. Jonathan F.T., and Mahendranathan C. (2024). Impact of Climate Change on Plant Diseases. AGRIEAST 2024 Vol.18 (1): pp. 1-17. DOI:
  2. Nawananda, P.H.R.S. and Mahendranathan, C.(2024). New record of Fusarium leaf spot disease of Philodendron hastatum, an ornamental plant. JSc EUSL (2024), Vol. 15, No. 01, p 16 – 25. DOI:
  3. Jonathan F.T., and Mahendranathan C. (2024). In Vitro Antifungal Activity of Selected Plant Extracts Against Mango Stem End Rot Pathogen: Lasiodiplodia Theobromae. AGRIEAST 2024 Vol.18 (1): pp. 42-50. DOI:
  4. Abhayarathna AHYG and Mahendranathan C. (2024). In-vitro antibacterial activity of Boerhavia diffusa leaf extract against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Ceylon Journal of Science 53 (1) 2024: 45-49. DOI:
  5. Jayathilake, N.H.A.M., Arasaretnam, S. and Mahendranathan, C., 2022. Synthesis, characterisation, ion chelation exchange capability and antibacterial properties of the o-cresol-formaldehyde-catechol-based copolymer. Vingnanam Journal of Science, 17(2), pp.9–17.
  6. Nawananda, P.H.R.S. and Mahendranathan, C., 2022. New record of anthracnose disease in leaves of Plumeria pudica in Sri Lanka. Vavuniya Journal of Science, 1(2):56-60.
  7. Mahendarnathan C. (2021). Influence of deficit irrigation in enhancing the Postharvest quality of vegetables. International Journal of research Publication. 83(1). DOI: 100831820212175.
  8. Abhayarathne AHYG and Mahendranathan C (2021). In-vitro antibacterial activity of Sesbania grandiflora and Boerhavia diffusa against two selected strains of human pathogenic bacteria. Proceeding of the Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (accepted for publication). 
  9. Mahendranthan C and Abhayarathne (2021) Efficacy of different solvent extracts from the aerial parts of Costus speciosus (Koen.) for the potential antibacterial activity against selected human pathogenic bacteria (2021). International Journal of research Publication. 7(1).pp. 130 – 137. DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100771520211937
  10. Priyashantha AKH, Mahendranathan C. (2021). Biosurfactants: An Alternative Approach to Synthetic Surfactants. International Journal of Research and Review.; 8(2): pp. 550-565.  
  11. Mahendrarajah, H., Krishanthiny, K. and Mahendranathan, C., (2020). Antibacterial activity and preliminary screening of phytochemicals of locally available Green Leafy Vegetables in Batticaloa district, Sri Lanka. AGRIEAST: Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(2), pp.9–16. DOI:  
  12. Priyashantha, KHA and Mahendranathan, C (2020). Traditional uses of medicinal plants in Sri Lanka with special reference to Herbal drinks: A Review. Journal of Biology and Nature.  11(2); 1-13. (NLM ID; 101679666)
  13. Thayalan, S, Priyashnatha, AKH and Mahendranathan C. (2020). A preliminary survey on postharvest challenges of small-scale farm holders of mango (Mangifera indica L) of Batticaloa district, Sri Lanka; Status and requirement. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 11, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 289-295. DOI: 10.33564. Published Online March 2020 in IJEAST (  
  14. Priyashantha, KHA and Mahendranathan, C (2020). Heavy Metal Contamination and Accumulation in Groundwater and Food Crops in Sri Lanka: A Review. Vingnanam Journal of Science, 14(2), p.1-7.  
  15. Hasith Priyashantha, AK., Krishanthiny K, Mahendranathan C, (2020). Pre and Post-Harvest Losses of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) In Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka; Preliminary Investigation of the Causes , International Journal of Research Publication Vol.43, (1); 1-8. DOI: 100431122019874.
  16. Mahendranathan, C., & Adikaram, N. K. B. (2019). Potassium silicate treatment enhances natural disease resistance in Capsicum annuum L. and reduces anthracnose disease development. Ceylon Journal of Science, 48(3), 251–259. DOI:
  17. Mahendranathan C. and Mahendrarajah H. (2019). Antibacterial activity and phytochemical properties of some selected medicinal plants from Batticaloa district. “Proceeding of 2nd International symposium on Agriculture-2019”, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 117-125
  18. Mahendranathan C., A.K.H Priyashantha (2018). Biotic Elicitors in Inducing Disease Resistance in Plants against Pathogen Infection: A Review. Haya: The Saudi Journal of Life Sciences, 2018; 3(11):650-654.
  19. Mahendranathan C. and Kishani G. S. (2018) Assessing the drinking water Quality of locally available bottled water in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences; 4 (10): Pp.16-29.
  20. Mahendranathan C. and Thayaruban T., (2018). Evidences of Heavy Metal Contamination & Their Consequences in Sri Lanka with Special Reference to Agriculture: A Review. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol.5 (8), Pp. 14-20.
  21. Mahendranathan, C. and Adikaram N K B (2018). “Enhancing the constitutive resistance in Capsicum annuum L. fruits against anthracnose development”. Phytopathology: 108: (10s) pp.155. (Abs)  
  22. Samarasinghe, W.M.P., Sithambaresan, M. and Mahendranathan, C. (2018). Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of a New Phenylmethylidene Thiourea Derivative and Its Copper (II) Complex. Int. J. Curr. Innov. Adv. Res., 1(4): 58-67.
  23. Mahendranathan C, Terry LA & Adikaram NKB (2010). Biological elicitation of resistance against anthracnose in aubergine. Acta Horticulturae 877, p.1589-1595.
  24. Mahendranathan C. (2008). Potential of induced resistance in postharvest disease control of horticultural crops. Journal of Plant Pathology: Volume 90 (2- Supplement) August 2008, Book of Abstract, 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology, August 24-29, 2008 Torino, Italy. pp.507.


Conference/Symposium Proceedings – International

  1. Jonathan F. T. and Mahendranathan C. (2025). Potential use of leaf extract of Erythrina subumbrans in postharvest disease management of potato. Proceedings of the First International Conference in Mycology and Plant Pathology, 2025; Sri Lanka Association for Mycology and Plant Pathology, 08th of Feb. 2025. pp. 8. 
  2. Kirushananth N. and Mahendranathan C. (2025). Effect of hot water treatment in extending the storge life of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv. Bathiya. Proceedings of the First International Conference in Mycology and Plant Pathology, 2025; Sri Lanka Association for Mycology and Plant Pathology, 08th of Feb. 2025. pp. 10. 
  3. Mahendranathan, C and Kothai, K. (2025). First Report of Anthracnose, Caused by Colletotrichum gloesporioides on Hydrangea macrophylla Leaves in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference in Technological research and innovations-2025; Faculty of Technology, Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 23rd January, 2025. pp. 24.
  4. Chandrakantha Mahendranathan (2024), “Drinking water quality and water-borne diseases in developing countries”. Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD) forum-2024; College of Engineering, Michigan state University (MSU), USA.
  5. Mahendranathan C. (2024). The persistent threat of emerging plant diseases to global food security and its economy. International Conference on “Microbiology Research: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives (ICMR: CCFP-2024)”. Department of Microbiology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India in collaboration with International Microbiologists Society, India. 9th to 11th, January, 2024. 
  6. Mahendranathan C. (2024). Bio-control strategy for fungal diseases in sustainable Agriculture: Eco-Economic Consideration. 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainability, Challenges and Opportunities in Global Sugar Industry, Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), Pune, Maharashtra, India; 12th to 14th January, 2004.

  7. Mahendranathan C and Hashith Priyashantha AK 2023. Impact of postharvest losses of fruits and vegetables on food security in developing countries with special reference to Covid-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the International conference on ‘Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture, Animal husbandry and Environment - MSAAHE-2023, February 3-4, 2023, KBP Mahavidyalaya, Pandharpur, Solapur, Maharashtra, India. Pp.1
  8. Nawananda PHRS , Mahendranathan C. Emmanuel C.J. (2022). First report of leaf spot disease of Philodendron hastatum, an ornamental plant in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Forestry and Environment Symposium Vol. 26: Pp. 15. 20th and 21st of January 2022, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
  9. Abhayarathne AHYG and Mahendranathan C (2021). In-vitro antibacterial activity of Sesbania grandiflora and Boerhavia diffusa against two selected strains of human pathogenic bacteria. Proceeding of the Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  10. Nawananda PHRS, Mahendranathan C and Kaveeventhan K. (2021). New Record of a leaf spot disease of Plumeria pudica, an ornamental plant in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Symposium on Floriculture Research (NASFLOR-2021), 16th December 2021, Sri Lanka Council for Agriculture and research Policy, Colombo, Sri Lanka (in press).
  11. Rinas MRM, Mahendranathan C., T Thilakarathna HRMGC and Wijelath WAGE (2021). Determination of phytochemicals and anti-bacterial activity of pseudo-stem of locally consumed banana varieties in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 13th Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Aruradhapura; 29th of April, 2021. Pp. 29.

  12. Mahendranathan C (2021). ”Reducing Postharvest Losses and extending availability of fruits and vegetables in developing countries”. International e-conference on Postharvest disease management and value addition of horticultural crops. Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR, Indian Agricultural research Institute, New Delhi, India, 18-20, August, 2021 (invited talk).
  13. Mahendranathan C (2021). “Postharvest Losses of fruits and vegetables in developing countries”. International conference in “Plants and Environment” (Virtual mode), organized by Department of Botany, Girraj Government College (A) in Collaboration with  Council for Green Revolution, Hyderabad & Department of Botany, Telangana University, Nizamabad, India, February, 8, 2021. (Invited Speaker)
  14. Mahendranathan C. (2020). “Antimicrobial activity of some selected Green Leafy Vegetables and medicinal plants from Eastern Province, Sri Lanka”.  One Day International Webinar on “Biologicals in Agricultures: Scope and Limitations” Jointly organized by Microbiologist Society, India & Badrinarayan Barwale Arts, Commerce and Science College, Maharashtra, India, 17th January, 29, 2020. (Invited Speaker).
  15. Priyashantha AKH and Mahendranathan C. (2020). Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) to Control the Phyto – pathogens. International Conference on “Biotechnology for Better Tomorrow -2020 (BTBT-2020), Maldives University, male, Maldives, 22-23, February, 2020. (Invited Speaker).
  16. Mahendranathan C. (2020). Antibacterial activity and Phytochemical constituents of some locally available green leafy vegetables in Sri Lanka". Second International Webinar on “Microbes and Neoteric Research (IWMNR-2020)” on 22nd December 2020 at Department of Microbiology, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. (Invited Speaker).
  17. Mahendranathan, C. (2020)."Exploring micro-biome interactions in environment". One week International online Faculty Development Programme on “Contribution of Biosciences in New Normal Life” (CBNNL– 2020), Department of Biotechnology, Post-Graduate Extension Centre, Periyar University, Tamilnadu, India, from 15.06.2020 to 21.06.2020, (Invited Speaker).
  18. Mahendranathan C and Priyashantha A K H (2020). “Traditional Uses of Medicinal Plants in Sri Lanka”. International conference on “Bioengineering and Life-Sciences”, held at  New Arts, Commerce and Science College of the Pune University, Ahmednagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India from 11.02.2020 to 12.02.2020. (Invited Speaker).
  19. Mahendranathan C. (2020). Education system in Sri Lanka. International Webinar on Policies for the Protection of Educational Rights. St. Xaviers College of Education, JESUIT Council for Education, Research and Technology, Bangalore, India. 19-22, October, 2020. (Invited Speaker).
  20. Mahendranathan C. (2020) Exploring Micro-biome interactions in Environment. One week International Virtual Faculty Development programme on “Contribution of Bio-Sciences in New normal life (CBNNL-2020). Postgraduate extension center, Periyar university, Tamilnaadu, India. (Invited talk).
  21. Mahendranathan, C., and Mahendrarajah H. (2019). Antibacterial activity and phytochemical properties of some selected medicinal plants from Batticaloa district. “Proceeding of 2nd International symposium on Agriculture-2019”, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. p.15.
  22. Kishani, GS. and Mahendranathan, C. (2019). Physical and chemical quality of locally available bottled water in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on dry-zone agriculture, to be held from19 to 20th, December, 2019, at the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
  23. Mahendranathan C., A.K.H Priyashantha (2019). Heavy metal contamination and accumulation in ground water and food crops in Sri Lanka: A Review. (Invited talk). Proceeding of the International Conference on “Recent innovations n Bio-sustainability and Environmental Research-2019”. 20-22, February, 2019. Annamalai University, India. Pp. 5.
  24. Mahendranathan C. Kothai, K. (2018). Turmeric (Curcuma longa) treatment as an Eco-friendly management in reducing the postharvest diseases of mango (Mangifera indica L.). Proceeding of the “3rd World Congress on Medicinal Plants & Natural Products Research and Pharmaceutical Education”. 7:52. September 28 - 29, 2018, Chicago, USA. 
  25. Mahendranathan C.  (2018). The Evidences of Elevated Heavy Metal Accumulation in Food crops, Soil and Irrigation Water in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the International Conference on “Microbial Technology for Better Tomorrow (ICMTBT-2018)”. Dr. D. Y. Patil, New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Maharashtra, India, from 17-19, February 2018, Maharashtra, India. (Invited Speaker).
  26. Mahendranathan C. (2018). Impact of deficit irrigation on the postharvest quality of Sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Proceeding of the International Conference on “Nanotechnology for Human Welfare (ICNHW-2018)”, from 1-3, February 2018, Maharashtra, India, (Invited Speaker).
  27. Mahendranathan C. (2017) Controlling plant diseases using induced resistance. Proceeding of the “6th International conference on Recent trends in life Sciences (ICRTLS2017)”, Ahmednagar Jilha Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaji’s New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Maharashtra, India, from 17-19, February 2018, India. from 29-30 December 2017, Maharashtra, India. (Invited Speaker).
  28. Mahendranathan C, Adikaram NKB and Jayasingam T (2016). Enhancement of natural disease resistance of Capsicum annuum L. against anthracnose disease through selected postharvest treatments.  Proceeding of the “9th Australasian Soil-borne Symposium”, held in Lincoln University, New Zealand, from 14-17, November, 2016. 
  29. Mahendranathan C. and S.Thayalan (2016). Alteration of Stem End Rot disease of local mango (Mangifera indica) cultivars through postharvest handling practices. Proceeding of the international conference on “Plant Research and Resource Management and 25th APSI Silver Jubilee Scientists Meet 2016”, held at the Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India. 11th -13th February, 2016. 
  30. Mahendranathan C. (2014). Pre-and postharvest elicitor treatment and enhancing the natural disease resistance of chili (Capsicum annum L.).  Proceedings of the “International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (ICBB-2014), 29-30th October, 2014, Dubai. Pp. 11. 
  31. Mahendranathan C, Adikaram NKB (2013). Anthracnose disease of Sri Lankan peppers (Capsicum annum) caused by Colletotrichum Species. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on ‘Biotechnology for Better Tomorrow (BTBT-2013), 11-12, November, 2013, Mauritius. (Received the “Best oral presenter” award). 
  32. Mahendranathan C, Wijesundera RLC and Adikaram NKB (2012). Association of Colletotrichum acutatum in the Anthracnose Disease of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in Sri Lanka. 3rd Global Conference, Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, 10-13 January 2012, Udaipur, India. 
  33. Mahendranathan C, Wijesundera RLC and Adikaram NKB (2011). First report of Colletotrichum acutatum on anthracnose of peppers (Capsicum annuum). Proceeding of the “4th Asian Conference of Plant Pathology concurrent with the 18th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference”, 26-29 April 2011, Darwin, NT, Australia Pp119. 
  34. Mahendranathan C, Adikaram NKB, Terry LA (2009). Biological elicitation of resistance against anthracnose in aubergine. 6th International Postharvest Symposium, 2009, 8 to 12th April, 2009, Antalya, Turkey, p. 80. 
  35. Mahendranathan C (2007). Elicitation of host natural disease resistance in aubergine against postharvest disease.  Proceeding of the Asian Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology, from 19-22, December, 2007, Hyderabad, India p.  238. 
  36. Mahendranathan C (2007). The extent and cause of postharvest losses in banana in the Eastern Province of Sri-Lanka. Proceeding of the Asian Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology, from 19-22, December, 2007, Hyderabad, India p 293. 
  37. Mahendranathan C (2005). Biological stimulation of Phytoalexin as an approach for controlling anthracnose in aubergine. Proceeding of the “2nd Asian Plant Pathology Conference – 2005” (ACPP-2005), 25 to 28 June, 2005. Singapore. P. 41. 
  38. Mahendranathan C and Adikaram NKB (2002). Induction of Resistance in aubergine (Solanum melongena L.), against infection by Colletotrichum capsici, using a weak pathogen. Proceeding of the 1st Asian Conference on Plant Pathology, 25-28, August, 2000. Beijing, China, p 254. 

Conference/Symposium Proceedings – National

  1. Jonathan F. T. and Mahendranathan C. (2024). Effect of different packaging materials on extending the shelf life and postharvest quality of tomatoes in refrigerated conditions. Proceedings of 13th Annual Science Research Session 2024, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 6th November 2024. pp. 13.
  2. Kirushananth N. and Mahendranathan C. (2024). Effect of packaging material on shelf-life extension of green beans under low temperature storage. Proceedings of 13th Annual Science Research Session 2024, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 6th November 2024. pp. 14.
  3. Jonathan F. T. and Mahendranathan C. (2024). In vitro Antifungal Activity of Selected Plant Extracts against Lasiodiplodia theobromae, causes Mango Stem End Rot. Proceedings of the 2nd Ruhuna International Conference on Innovation and Technology (RICIT 2024). Faculty of Technology, University of Ruhuna, 1st of November, 2024.
  4. Rishadi Rukshana Rathnayake RMRG and Mahendranathan C. (2023). Effects of wild sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) and citronella grass (Cymbopogon citratus) biochar mixture on vegetative growth of tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Technological Research and Innovation; Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 27 September, 2023.
  5. Abhayarathne A. H. Y. G and Mahendranathan C. (2021). In-vitro antibacterial activity of Sesbania grandiflora and Boerhavia diffusa against two selected strains of human pathogenic bacteria. Proceedings of the Annual Research Session- 2021, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  6. Nawananda PHRS, Mahendranathan C and Kaveeventhan K. (2021).  New Record of a leaf spot disease of Plumeria pudica, an ornamental plant in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Symposium on Floriculture Research (NASFLOR-2021), 16th December 2021.
  7. Kishani, G.S. and Mahendranathan, C. (2019). Physical and chemical Quality of locally available bottled water in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dry-zone Agriculture, to be held from19 to 20th, December, 2019, at the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
  8. Priyashantha A K H, Krishanthiny K., and Mahendranathan, C. (2019).  Pre and Post-Harvest Losses of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka; Preliminary investigation of the causes. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dry-zone Agriculture, to be held from19 to 20th, December, 2019, at the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka).
  9. Mahendrarajah H., Mahendranathan C. and Krishanthiny K. (2019). Antibacterial activity and preliminary phytochemical analysis of locally available Green Leafy Vegetables. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dry-zone Agriculture, to be held from19 to 20th, December, 2019, at the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka).
  10. Mahendranathan C, and Wijesundera RLC (2013). Characterization and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum species associated with anthracnose in Sri Lankan chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum) cultivars. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka (ICE-2013).
  11. Mahendranathan C, Sinnaiah G (2006). Postharvest losses of banana in Batticaloa District and identifying the causal agents for major pathological diseases. Proceeding of the Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka p.17-23.
  12. Mahendranathan C, (2005). Postharvest losses of brinjal and the causes of pathological diseases. Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka p.25-29. 

Research Interest

  • Plant Pathology

  • Postharvest Pathology and Technology

  • Industrial and Environmental Microbiology

  • Food Microbiology


Undergraduate -

  • Microbiology
  • Plant Pathology and
  • Postharvest Technology

Postgraduate –

  • Biology Education
  • Applied biology


  1. Commonwealth Scholarship for the Split-site PhD programme tenable at the United Kingdom for the year 2008.

  2. Fully funded for the M.Phil. programme by the Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 1998 to 2000.

  3. Asian Development Bank scholarship for three months overseas training programme in 2004.

  4. Financial assistantship from National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka, for participating “2nd Asian Conference on Plant Pathology” in Singapore in 2005.

Positions Held


  1. Head of the Department of the Botany, Faculty of Science, EUSL, with effect from 25th of June, 2021 for the next three years. 
  2. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Quality Assurance Cell, Faculty of Science, EUSL
  3. Faculty Coordinator, Gender Equity and Equality Cell (GEE) Faculty of Science, EUSL
  4. Resource Person, Staff Development Centre, EUSL
  5. Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Technology, EUSL 
  6. Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL
  7. Member of the Faculty Board, Faculty of Science, EUSL 
  8. Faculty Representative, University Gender Equity & Equality cell, EUSL
  9. Member of the Higher Degree Committee, Faculty of Science, EUSL
  10. Resource Person, Staff Development Centre, EUSL


  1. Vice-President, Federation of University Teachers’ Association, Sri Lanka (2019/2020).
  2. Vice-President, Teachers’ Association of Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2019/2020)
  3. President, Senior Common room Society, EUSL (2019/2020)
  4. Director, Centre for External Degrees and Extension Courses (CEDEC), Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 01.11.2015 31.10.2018.
  5. Director of the Centre for Information and Communication Technology (CICT) / Eastern University from 02.05.2012 to 02.05.2013.
  6. Director/Career Guidance Unit at Eastern University from 09. 07. 2004 – 30. 09. 2008.
  7. Head, Department of Botany, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 01. 06. 06 to 30. 08. 2007.
  8. Deputy Coordinator for UDG (University Development Grant)/ Information Communication Technology (ICT) to the Operational Technical Secretariat (OTS) of the Higher Education for Twenty-first Century (HETC) project, EUSL from 01.10.2012 to 30.05.2013. 
  9. Faculty nominee to the Senate as the Faculty Representative from 05.11.2012 for three years.
  10. Faculty nominee to the Senate as the Faculty Representative from 04.06.2003 to 30. 05. 2006.
  11. Coordinator for M.Sc. in Science Education programme, Faculty of Science, EUSL from September and 15.02.2006 – 30. 09. 2008. 
  12. Students Counsellor from 01. 02. 2001 – 10. 06. 2007 and from 01.08.2015.
  13. Chief Counsellor of the Catholic Association, Eastern University, from 01.03. 2004 – 30.11. 2006.
  14. Coordinator for “Reproductive Health and Counselling programme” for Faculty of Science under UNFPA project of the University Grant Commission, Sri Lanka during the year 2006/2007. 
  15. Person-in-Charge for Students Counseling programme of the ‘Social Harmony” component of Eastern University, under the IRQUE (Improving Relevancy and the Quality of Undergraduate Education) project of World Bank from 01. 02. 2004 to 01. 03. 2006. 
  16. Coordinator/Dept. of Botany and carried out the Academic and Administrative works from 1st of February, 2001 to 1st of February, 2002. 

Other Positions, being held, at present Provincial and National level:

  1. President, Sri Lanka Universities Sports Association (SLUSA, affiliated to World Universities Sports Federation, Asian Universities’ Sports Federation and South Asian Universities Sports Federation) and member of all the National Sports’ Association, Sri Lanka.
  2. Resource Person for “Promoting the Organic farming” at the Eastern Province towards the National Policy, Sri Lanka.
  3. Provincial  Consultant of District Governor for Eastern Province for the Lions District - 306 C2 of International Lions Clubs 2019/2020) 
Last Updated