Prof. Selladurai Arasaretnam

Prof. Selladurai Arasaretnam
B.Sc.(Hons)(EUSL), A.I.Chem.C, M.Sc.(USJP), Ph.D.(USJP), Research Fellow (CSIR-IICT, India)
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science
Tel: (94) - 652240755 [office], (94) - 652251407[resident]
Fax: (94) - 652240758[office], Mobile: (94) - 771749293
E-mail :
Date of birth: 03rd April, 1976
Civil status: Married
Citizenship : Sri Lanka
Present Position : Professor in Chemistry
Research Fellowship
- Thesis: Modification of extracted tannin from Pinus radiata bark for formaldehyde based resin and processable thermoplastic.
- Place: Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Hyderabad, India.
- Date: 10-01-2016
Ph.D. (Chemistry)
- Thesis: Synthesis, Characterization, and utilisation of formaldehyde-based resins manufactured using some locally available plant based tannin resources
- Place: University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
- Date: 13-01-2010
M.Sc. (Polymer Science and Technology)
- Title: Formaldehyde based resins prepared using tannin obtained from bark of Terminalia arjuna (roxb)
- Place: University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
- Date: 01.02.2006
B.Sc. (Hons)
- Second class (upper division),
- Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Sri Lanka
- Date: 25.02.2002
Links to Publications
- N.P.S.I. Chandrawansha and S. Arasaretnam, Extraction, modification, characterization and metal adsorption properties of cellulose obtained from banana stem and bamboo stem, Vingnanam Journal of Science, vol. 19 (1), June 2024, Pages 45-52, DOI: 10.4038/vingnanam.v19i1.4241.
- P. G. T. Chamika, S. Arasaretnam and S. Premkumar. Synthesis and characterization of eco-friendly bio lubricants from plant-based oils. Journal of Science (JSc), Eastern University, Sri Lanka, vol. 14, special issue, p 18-31, 2023.
- Jayathilake, N.H.A.M., Arasaretnam, S. and Mahendranathan, C., 2022. Synthesis, characterisation, ion chelation exchange capability and antibacterial properties of the o-cresol-formaldehyde-catechol-based copolymer. Vingnanam Journal of Science, 17(2), pp.9–17.
- S. Arasaretnam, H. R. P. Prasadini and U. Mathiventhan. Qualitative phytochemical screening, anti-bacterial activity and TLC profiling of different parts of three medicinal plants, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Volume 8 - Issue 1, 2021
- S Arasaretnam and K Cavisana. Comparative Assessment of Water Quality of Tube wells and Pipe Borne Water in Kaluvankeni Hostels, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Vingnanam Journal of Science, Vol.15 (2), December 2020.
- S. Arasaretnam and U. P. Dilshani Jayarathna. Synthesis, Characterization, and Metal Adsorption Properties of Formaldehyde-Based Terpolymeric Resins Derived from Anthranilic Acid, Salicylic Acid, and Catechol, Hindawi, Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2020, Article ID 8843162, 7 pages,
- Deepti Sharma, N Naga Malleswara Rao, S Arasaretnam, Annadanam V Sesha Sainath, Marshal Dhayal. Functionalization of structurally diverse glycopolymers on graphene oxide surfaces and their quantification through fluorescence resonance energy transfer with fluorescein isothiocyanate, Colloid and Polymer Science, 298(1,314), 1-11, 2020, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ©Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, Part of Springer Nature 2020.
- Arasaretnam S and Venujah K. Preparation of Soaps by using Different Oil and Analyze their Properties, Arasaretnam and Venujah, Natural Products Chemistry & Research (Nat Prod Chem Res.) 2019, 7:1, DOI: 10.4172/2329-6836.1000357
- S. Arasaretnam and JMPW. Jayasundara. Utilization of Pretreated Lignocelluloses Materials for the Production of Bio-Diesel, International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science (IJARCS), 6 (2): 7-12, 2019, ISSN No. (Online) 2349-0403, DOI:
- S Arasaretnam. Study of Rheology of Tannin Obtained from Flower Buds of Terminalia chebula (Aralu) and Formaldehyde Reaction, International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science (IJARCS), 6 (1): 1-5, 2019, ISSN No. (Online) 2349-0403 DOI:
- S. Arasaretnam, H.R.P. Prasadini and K. Venujah. Assessment of Open well Water Quality around Puttalam District, International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), E-ISSN: 2454-8006, 4(12): 2018, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE.2018.33024
- S. Arasaretnam, S. Keerthanan, Hasitha Sulochani Wickramasinghe. Synthesis of Nitrate Doped Polypyrrole Conducting Polymer Membrane and Fabrication of Passive Sampler to Determine Diffusion of Nitrate and Chloride Through Membrane in Aquatic Ecosystem, International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), 4(12):150-156, 2018, 10.31695/IJASRE.2018.33004
- S. Arasaretnam, S. Keerthanan. Plant Seeds as Biosorbents for the Purification of Water, Journal of Modern Chemistry & Chemical Technology, ISSN: 2229-6999 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5208 (Print), 9 (2):1-10, 2018.
- S. Arasaretnam. Synthesis, Characterization and Membrane Properties of modified polyphenols-based resin, International Journal of Research Publications (IJRP), 3(1), 2018, DOI: 100315201897.
- S. Arasaretnam. Prediction of UV-Vis spectra of flavan-3-ol type molecules: A Computational approach, International Journal of Research Publications (IJRP), 3(1), 2018, DOI: 100315201894.
- S. Arasaretnam, A. Kiruthika and T. Mahendran (2018). Nutritional and mineral composition of selected green leafy vegetables. Ceylon Journal of Science, 47(1), 35–41, 2018, DOI:
- S. Arasaretnam and K. Venujah. Modification of tannin extracted from the bark of Acacia auriculiformis for the antibacterial activity and application of metal adsorption, Ruhuna Journal of Science, 8: 90-102, 2017, DOI:
- S. Arasaretnam. A kinetic study on adsorption, Isotherms of some metal ions on sulfonated-Tannin phenol Formaldehyde resin (TPF-SO3H), International Journal of Environmental Chemistry & Chromatography, 1(1), 1 – 7, 2015.
- S. Arasaretnam, L. Karunanayake. Computational and FTIR-spectroscopic study on the reactivity of some polyphenol compounds with HCHO, Research & Reviews in Polymer. ISSN: 2249 – 8877, Volume 3, Issue 1, RRPL, 3(1), [9-16] 2012.
- S. Arasaretnam and L. Karunanayake. Synthesis, Characterization, and Metal Adsorption Properties of Tannin-Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins Produced Using Tannin from Dried Fruit of Terminalia chebula (Aralu), Journal of Applied Polymer Science, U.S.A, 2009, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Vol. 115, 1081–1088, 2010.
- Athuraliya, A. S. S., Arasaretnam, S., Premkumar, S. Thermal activated Casuarina equisetifolia wood bark for heavy metal adsorption, 11th International Symposium (IntSym 2023) Managing Contemporary Issues for Sustainable Future through Multidisciplinary Research Proceedings 03rd May, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka p. 94-102, 2023.
- R.W.M.M.H.Rasingolla, K.W.D.M.J.C. Wickremasighe, S.Arasaretnam. Optimization Of Clean in Place Process for Cost Reduction in Milco (Pvt)Ltd, ICTRI - 2023, 1st International Conference on Technological Research and Innovation 2023, Faculty of Technology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, ISBN 978-624-5731-31-2.
- Arasaretnam, S. Preparation of biobased plastic from banana peel and application in industrial waste water purification. The International Research & Development Institution, Proceedings of the 2nd Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2020 (AIMR’20), Vol. 2, Copyright © TIRDI / ISSN: 2682 – 7271 online, pp. 26-30.
- S. Arasaretnam and U.P. Dilshani Jayarathna. Study on concentration of Cd, Cr, Pb and Zn in green leafy vegetables and estimation of bio concentration factors (bcf) at different locations from Medirigiriya area, Polonnaruwa, Proceedings of the Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, 2019 (AIMR’19), Vol.-1, ISSN 2682-7271.
- S. Arasaretnam and R. Joy Ebenezer. Modification and Cation adsorption studies of Polyphenols extracted from Acacia farnesiana, 5th International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process (CCECP 2017), Conference Proceedings, Singapore, 6-7 March 2017, pg. 7-12, DOI: 10.5176/2301-3761_CCECP17.11.
- S. Arasaretnam. Development of a protocol for extraction of tannin from some selected Terminalia sp in various solvents. 10th Annual Research Session (ARS), EUSL, 240-245, 1-2 December, 2011.
- Arasaretnam, S and Vinobaba, P. Nutritional Composition of Segregated Portions of Oreochromis niloticus from Unnichai Tank in Batticaloa Distract. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Research Session (ARS), EUSL, 140-149, 2007.
- Arasaretnam, S and Mahendran, T. Antifungal compounds from leaf buds from bark of Gardenia latifolia, Annual Research Session (ARS), EUSL, 140-146, 2004.
- Mudalige, N, Arasaretnam, S. and Premkumar, S.. Adsorption of heavy metals (Cu2+ & Cd2+) from aqueous solutions by using “Sri Lankan wild mango” (Mangifera zeylanica) seed , Annual Research Session 2023, Faculty of Science, EUSL, Page no. 19.
- Madushan, L. L. W. D., Arasaretnam, S. and Premkumar, S. Removal of Cd(II) From Aqueous Solutions Using Activated “Pandan” (Pandanus Amaryllifolius) Leaves, Annual Research Session 2023, Faculty of Science, EUSL, Page no. 20.
- Ekanayake, E. M. B. M., Arasaretnam, S., Sithambaresan, M. and Premkumar, S. Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan Based Schiff Base and Metal Complex from Shrimp Shells and Application on Catalysis and Biosorption Ekanayake, ARS-2022 – FS – CH – 01 Annual Research Session 2022, Faculty of Science, EUSL.
- Disanayake, K.G.D.S., Arasaretnam, S. and Premkumar, S. Synthesis, Characterization and Metal Adsorption Properties of Tannin-Urea-Formaldehyde Resins from Azadirachta Indica (Neem) ARS-2022 – FS – CH – 01 Annual Research Session 2022, Faculty of Science, EUSL.
- Sabrina S.T.F, Arasaratnam, S and Premkumar, S. Removal of Heavy Metals (Chromium and Cadmium) using different Plant Materials:-Atomic adsorption spectrophotometric study ARS-2022 – FS – CH – 01 Annual Research Session 2022, Faculty of Science, EUSL.
- Chamika P. G. T., Arasaretnam S and S. Premkumar S. Synthesize and characterization of eco-friendly bio lubricants from plant-based oils, Annual Research Session-2021, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Pp.08, 2021.
- S. Arasaretnam and U. P. D Jayarathna. Sorption studies of metal ions by formaldehyde-based ion-exchange resins derived from anthranilic acid, salicylic acid and catechol. Proceedings International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences 2020 (ICAPS 2020 - Kelaniya), Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, ISSN 978-955-704-144-5
- S. Arasaretnam and D.M.A. Dissanayake. Heavy metal contents in aquatic plant species in a water body according to their occurrence, Proceedings of the National Conference on Multidisciplinary Research-Young Scientists’ Association, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka, (NCMR 2020), Postgraduate Symposium, October 08, 2020, ISSN 2756-9063
- S. Arasaretnam and U.P. Dilshani Jayarathna. Study on concentration of Cd, Cr, Pb and Zn in green leafy vegetables and estimation of Bio Concentration Factors (BCF) at different locations from Medirigiriya area, Polonnaruwa, Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (AIMR’19) on 10 May 2019 at the Grand Oriental Hotel, Colombo, 2019.
- S. Thevakumar and S. Arasaretnam. Plant mediated green synthesis of iron oxide particles for cadmium removal of waste water. Proceedings of the Postgraduate institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka, 9th -10th November, 2018, Postgraduate institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, 29, 2018.
- S. Arasaretnam and JMPW. Jayasundara. Production of Bio-ethanol using pretreated Lignocellulosic materials (Rice husk, Water Hyacinth), International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2017.
- N. N. Malleswara Rao, S. Arasaretnam, B. Balaraju and A. V. Sesha Sainath. Glucose based macromolecular architectures syntheses, characterization and their cell-binding studies, International Conference on Advancement in Polymeric Materials, Proceedings (APM-2016), Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India, Ahmadabad, India, Feb 12-14, [192-193], 2016.
- S. Arasaretnam, N. N. Malleswara Rao, Annadanam V. Sesha Sainath. Pinus radiata Bark Extracted Polyphenols Modification for Processable Thermoplastics, International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials for Future Needs-2015, [ICSEMF -2015], 21-22 December 2015, Khammam, India.
- V. Sesha Sainath, B. Balaraju, N. N. Malleswara Rao, V. Santosh, J. Gopinath, S. Arasaretnam. Selective Functional Group Incorporation into Macromolecular Architecture and Their Role in Applications, International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials for Future Needs -2015, [ICSEMF -2015], 21-22 December 2015, Khammam, India
- S. Arasaretnam, S. Thevakumar, Hardness in drinking well water in various regions of Sri Lanka, proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, Vol.19, 5th and 6th November 2015.
- S. Arasaretnam, S. Thevakumar. Determination of iron content in selected edible vegetables by using simple colorimetric method in two locations of Batticaloa District. Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on multidisciplinary approaches-2015 (iCMA 2015), University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 239, 11-12 September 2015.
- S. Arasaretnam, S. Sathees and S. Malavipathirana. Characterization of paper Mill effluent and investigation of the synergistic impact at Valaichchenai due to other anthropogenic inputs, Symposium Proceedings, Third International Symposium on Water Quality and Human Health: Challenges Ahead, 27 & 28 June, PGIS, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, [43], 2014.
- S. Arasaretnam, S. Saranya and S. Premkumar. A Comparison of Accumulation of Heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg and Cr) in soil and selected vegetables from Kaluthavalai farms in Batticaloa District, International Conference of Agricultural Sciences-2014, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, [73], 2014.
- S. Arasaretnam. A preliminary study on cadmium levels in selected imported sugars obtained in the Batticaloa Town, Second Annual Science Research Sessions-2013, South Eastern University, Sri Lanka, [08] 2013.
- S. Arasaretnam, S. Thevakumar. A preliminary investigation on some selected drinking water quality parameters at three locations around Batticaloa, Second Annual Science Research Sessions-2013 , South Eastern University, Sri Lanka, [13] 2013.
- S. Arasaretnam, L. Karunanayake. Studies on the kinetics of epoxidation of soybean oil using synthetic cationic exchange resin, International Symposium on Polymer Science & Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, ISSN: 2279-2317, [14] 2012.
- S. Arasaretnam, and L Karunanayake. Synthesis, characterization and metal adsorption of Tannin Phenol Formaldehyde resin obtained from flower buds of Terminalia chebula. SLAAS, 64th Annual Sessions, part-I, Abstract, 169, 2008.
- S. Arasaretnam, L Karunanayaka, P Manoharan. Formaldehyde based resins prepared using tannin obtained from bark of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.). SLAAS. 2006.
- Arasaretnam S, Sathananthan T, and Chandralal H.N.K.K. Study of heat sensitive gelation of natural rubber latex using Poly Vinyl Methyl Ether (PVME), 4th Annual Research Session (ARS), EUSL,22, 2005.
Peer reviewed Presentations at National/International Conferences/Symposia
- Participating and presenting the research paper on Functionalizing polymers and their role in applications at the fifth Young Research Forum on Community-Based Intervention 2023 (CBI-2023) 23 February 2023.
- Participating and presenting the research paper on Preparation of bio based plastic from banana peel and application in industrial wastewater purification. The International Research & Development Institution, Proceedings of the 2nd Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2020 (AIMR’20), Vol. 2, Copyright © TIRDI / ISSN: 2682 – 7271 online, pp. 26-30.
- Participating and presenting the research paper on study on concentration of Cd, Cr, Pb and Zn in green leafy vegetables and estimation of bio concentration factors (bcf) at different locations from Medirigiriya area, Polonnaruwa, Proceedings of the Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, 2019 (AIMR’19), Vol.-1, ISSN 2682-7271.
- Participating and presenting the research paper on Modification and Cation adsorption studies of Polyphenols extracted from Acacia farnesiana, 5th International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process (CCECP 2017), Conference Proceedings, Singapore, 6-7 March 2017, pg. 7-12, DOI: 10.5176/2301-3761_CCECP17.11.
- Participating and presenting the research paper on Development of a protocol for extraction of tannin from some selected Terminalia sp in various solvents. 10th Annual Research Session (ARS), EUSL, 240-245, 2011.
- Participating and presenting the research paper on Antifungal compounds from leaf buds from bark of Gardenia latifolia” Annual Research Session (ARS), EUSL, 140-146, 2004.
- Arasaretnam, S. Text book for Undergraduate titled Fundamentals of Polymer Chemistry, Publisher: Kumaran Press Private Limited.2018, ISBN: 978-955-986-941-2.
- Arasaretnam, S. Text book for Concise Boron Chemistry for undergraduate, 2018, ISBN: 978-955-98694-2-9.
Research Interest
- Polymer Chemistry: Selective functional group incorporation into macromolecular architecture and their role in applications, Synthetic modification of natural products, Absorption properties of tannin-based resins derived from locally available material, and Computational studies on the reactivity of polyphenolic compounds. Environmental Chemistry: Water quality.
Conduct lectures and practical sessions for undergraduate and post-graduate students in polymer, organic, inorganic and science education.
- CH 1013 Principles of Chemistry -i
- CH1021 - Elementary Chemistry Laboratory- I
- CH1033 Principles of Chemistry- II
- CH 2012-Inorganic Chemistry-I
- CH2032-Organic Chemistry-I
- CH2051 - Special topics in inorganic Chemistry i
- CH 2071-Introductions to Polymer Chemistry
- CH 3011. Chemistry of natural products-I
- CH3101. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory- II
- CH 3043-Industrial Chemistry
- CH4012. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CH4141. Polymer Chemistry
- CH4111: Nuclear Chemistry
- EN3012 - Resource efficiency and cleaner production
- Vice Chancellor’s Award for Output Based Research for the year 2022.
- Research Training Fellowship for Development Country Scientists (RTF-DCS) (2015). Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Hyderabad, India, 2015 to 2016.
- Presidential Award for Scientific Publications, 2015.
- Merit Award for Scientific Publication (2015). National Research Council (NRC), Sri Lanka.
- Best paper award ("Paper title: Pinus radiata Bark Extracted Polyphenols Modification for Processable Thermoplastics") at the International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials for Future Needs-2015, [ICSEMF -2015], 21-22 December 2015, Hyderabad, India.
- National Science Foundation Grant - 2007.
Positions Held
- Member to the board of management, Community Outreach Science Unit(COSU), faculty of Science.
- Director, Carrier Guidance Unit (CGU), Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2022.
- Coordinator for Master of Science in Science Education (M.Sc.SciEd), Faculty of Science, Feb’ 2022 up to date.
- Activity Coordinator, AHEAD, ELTA ELSE, Faculty Development Project Grant, World Bank Grant. (2020 to 2025).
- Co-ordinator for Postgraduate Research Degree Programmes, Faculty of Science, 2018 up to date.
- Director, Staff Development Center (SDC), Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (2018 November to 2022 February).
- Head, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (2011 to 2014).
- Chairperson, Board of Study of the Faculty of Science Centre for External Degrees and Extension Courses, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, (2011 to 2018).
- Coordinator and proposal writer for Diploma in Laboratory Technology (D.L.T). (2019 to 2020).
- Member, sports advisory board, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2014, 2022).
- Editor in Chief for Journal of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (2015 to 2021).
- Chairman/Member, Technical Evaluation Committee, Operational Technical Secretariat (OTS), HETC project. (2013 to present).
- Chairman and members of Technical Evaluation committee under DOR STEM AHEAD Project, 2020 to 2025.
- Member of Curriculum Review Committee, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2021
- Member of the steering committee for the procumbent of equipment of the Faculty of Technology through AHEAD project, 2020.
- Editorial Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Science, 2016.
- Elected member to the campus board of the Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, (2013).
- Member, Higher degree Committee, Faculty of science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (2014 to 2015).
- Member, Convocation committee, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2014).
- Member, International conference, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, (ICE -2013).
- Editor for development of By-Laws for Postgraduate Degree Research prosopectus-2017.
- Nominee for faculty level Gender Equity & Equality Cell (GGE)-2016.
- Examiner for Post of Trainee Technical Officer-2016, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Student counselor, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, (2010 to 2016).
- Technical coordinator, Enviropolymernmental Testing Unit (ETU), Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2009 to 2017).
- External Examiner for undergraduate Research forum of Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Resource person, G.C.E (A/L) Chemistry Teachers- Eastern Province (2015).
- Coordinator, 10th Annual Research Session (ARS), Eastern University, Sri Lanka, (2011).
- Co-Supervisor, Australian National Chemistry Quiz contest (2012- present).
- Judge for Science Laboratory competition in school level-2009.
- Member of Coordinating Committee, External Degree Program, Faculty of Science. From (2014 to present).
- Student Counsellor, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (2010 to 2014).
- Academic Advisor & Students’ mentors. Faculty of Science. (2019 to present).
- A member of the Self Evaluation Report writing team for Faculty of Science for the program review, 2020.
- University nominee to the international book fair 2023, BMICH, Colombo.
- University Grant commission (UGC) Nominee for selection committee for the post of Chief Technical Officer, University of Jaffna, 2020.
- University Grant commission (UGC) Nominee for selection committee for the post of senior staff Technical officer, University of Jaffna, 2020.
- Program Reviewer, Quality Assurance Council, University Grant Commission, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
- Research proposal Reviewer. Proposal evaluator for Department/Unit-level ELTA-ELSE DPs under Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation to Universities and Higher Education Institutions, Ministry of Higher Education and Highways, University Grants Commission, 2020.
- Research proposal Reviewer. Proposal Evaluator for AHEAD DOR/STEM proposals, Results Area Three: Promote Research, Development and Innovation, Development Oriented Research Grants (DOR Grants) under Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD), Ministry of Higher Education and Highways, University Grants Commission, 2020.
- Chief Examiner. Chemistry, G.C.E. Advance Level Examination, 2019 to 2020.
- Proposal Writer. A faculty proposal writer for Faculty Development Projects, Results Area Two: Improve the Quality of Higher Education, Enriching Learning, Teaching, Assessment and English Language Skills Enhancement (ELTA-ELSE) DPs under Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation to Universities and Higher Education Institutions, 2018.
- Proposal writer for Department/Unit Development Projects, Results Area Two: Improve the Quality of Higher Education, Enriching Learning, Teaching, Assessment and English Language Skills Enhancement (ELTA-ELSE) DPs under Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation to Universities and Higher Education Institutions, 2018.
- Co-controller. G.C.E (A/L) practical examination, for Bio System Technology Division, 2018.
- Session Chair, AIMR’20, 2nd Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2020 (AIMR’20) on 10th December 2020, Colombo. The International Research & Development Institution, ISBN 978-955-3751-03-4