Dr. (Mrs.) M. Vinobaba

Dr. (Mrs.) M. Vinobaba
B.Sc. (Hons) (Jaffna) D.Phil. (Sussex-UK)
Senior Lecturer in Zoology Grade 1
Phone: 065 2240756
Fax 065 2240758
E-mail: laxmi@esn.ac.lk / muthuladchumy@gmail.com
1980-1984 BSc (Hons) Special Degree in Zoology
Second class (Four year course) University of Jaffna, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
Main subject: Zoology (4 years)
Subsidiary subjects: Botany (3years), Chemistry (2 years)
1989-1993 D.Phil (Developmental and Genetic analysis of Dagger, a dominant mutation causing scalloping in Drosophila melanogaster), University of Sussex, Falmer Brighton, United Kingdom.
Conference and Presentations (Published in referred abstracts)
- Phillips, R.G., Bennett’s., Roberts, I., .J.H; Clements, D., Nadarajah, M. and Whittle, J., R., S. (1991). The analysis of spatial patterning in imaginal discs. British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB) Annual conference 8-11 April, University of Leeds, United Kingdom. P 29
- Vinobaba, M. and Whittle, J.R.S (1993) Spatial patterning a the wing border; analysis of the mutation Dagger in Drosophila. British Society for cell Biology and British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB and BSCB) Joint spring meeting 13-16 April, University of East Anglia, Norwich.B54.
- Vinobaba, P., Vinobaba. M. and George S.T (1996) Development of fisheries activities of the Batticaloa Lagoon and recommendations for sustained exploitation. This was presented at the Batticaloa Lagoon Master Plan work shop 6-7th December 1996. p 1-5.
- Vinobaba, P. and Vinobaba, M. (1996). The research conducted at the eastern University regarding fish disease caused by foreign organisms. This poster was presented at the Batticaloa Lagoon Master Plan work shop 6-7th December 1996, p3.
- Vinobaba, P., Vinobaba, M., George, S.T; Kandasamy, N. and Fisheries Inspectors (1996). Fisheries activities in the Batticaloa District. This poster was presented at the Batticaloa Lagoon Master Plan work shop 6-7th December 1996, p4.
- Vinobaba, P., Vinobaba, M., George, S.T. and Kandasamy, N. (1997) Exploitation of fishery resources in the three lagoons in the Batticaloa District. This was presented at the Third Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 3:p4
- Vinobaba, P., Vinobaba, M., George, S.T, Kandasamy, N., and Ganesamoorthy, N. (1997) Beach- seine fishery from Manmunai North, Batticaloa. This was presented at the Third Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources: 3 p5.
- Vinobaba, P. and Vinobaba, M. (1998). Exploitation of Fishery resources from the Eastern District of Sri Lanka. Fifth Asian Fisheries Forum, Lotus Hotel, PangSusan Kawe, ChiangMai, Thailand. p495
- Vinobaba, P. and Vinobaba, M. (1999). Unknown ulcerative disease among commercially important fin fish from the Batticaloa lagoon. This was presented to the Fifth Annual Scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 5: 10
- Vinobaba, P. and Vinobaba, M. (1999). Light and electron Microscopic studies of ulcerated fish from the eastern District of Sri Lanka. This was presented to the fourth Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture. Cebu, Philippines. p70.
- Vinobaba. P and Vinobaba, M (2002). Histopathological studies on ulcerated fish from the Batticaloa lagoon. Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka 2001/2002 p20-21.
- Vinobaba, P and Vinobaba, M (2003). Sudden mortalities among finfish, shell fish and other fauna from Batticaloa Lagoon, East coast of Sri Lanka. International conference on disease management for sustainable fisheries (ICON-DMS,2003) p83-84.
- Vinobaba, P. and Vinobaba, M. (2004). Mass mortalities among fin fish, shell fish and invertebrates from Pillaiyarady and Sathurukondan of the Batticaloa Lagoon. Paper presented at the Research Sessions 2003/2004, faculty of Graduate studies, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka 11-12 December 2004 p29.
- Vinobaba, M. Vinobaba, P. Jude, P. J., Dharshini, S.; Surendran, S. N. (2009). Species Composition of Mosquitoes and the Risk of Dengue Fever in the Batticaloa District. Presented at the Eighth Annual Research Session, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 17th and 18th December 2009. p 57-58.
- Jude, P. J., Dharshini, S., Vinobaba. M., Surendran. S. N, Ramasamy, R. (2010). Anopheles Culicifacies breeding in brackish waters in Sri Lanka implications for malaria control. Malaria Journal 2010, 9:106.
- Prishanthini, M. and Vinobaba, M. (2010). Host range and natural enemies of the newly reported mealy bug species Phenococcus solenopsis Tinsley 1898 (hemipteran: Pseudococcidiae) in the Batticaloa District. Proceeding of the Research Symposium of Uva Wellassa University. Sep 16-17 2010 p 187.
- Surendran S.N; Jude P.J; Dharshini.S; Shobana.R, Vinobaba.M (2010) Salinity tolerance and brackish water breeding ability of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Sri Lanka: implication for Dengue control in the Country. International symposium on Recent Advances in Ecology and Management of Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases. 1-2 Dec 2010. Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDE), DRDO, Ministry of Defence Jhansi Road, Gwalior-474002(M.P) India.
- Dharshini.S; Vinobaba.M; Vinobaba.P; Jude P.J and Surendran S.N (2010) Dengue vectors in the District of Batticaloa: Prevelance and seasonality. 9th annual research session 17-18th December 2010 held at Eastern University, Vantharumoolai, Chenkalady.
- Ramasamy.R; Surendran S.N; Jude P.J; Dharshini.S and Vinobaba.M (2011) Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus larvae in Peri-urban brackish water collections in relation to the transmission of Dengue & other Arboviral diseases
SEID Symposium,Bankok 6-7 October 2011 - Ramasamy.R; Surendran.S.N.; Jude.P.J; Dharshini.S and Vinobaba.M (2011) larval development of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Peri-urban brackish water and its implications for transmission of Arboviral Diseases. Vol 5, issue 11 e 1369 PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
- Jeyanthini.P and Vinobaba.M (2012)“The study of seasonal variation of predatory mosquito larva Genus Lutzia with climatic factors around Eastern University premices.” 1st Annual Science Research Session 2012 South Eastern University, 27th march 2012,pp.
- Prishanthini. M and Vinobaba .M (2012), Evaluation on the efficacy of some selected botanicals in controlling cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) (2012) 2nd International Symposium 2012, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 25th -27th May 2012, pp132-135.
- Jeyanthini.P and Vinobaba.M (2012) Study the predation rate of Predatory Larva of genus Lutzia at different Prey densities. Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 25th -27th May 2012.,181-183
- Prishanthini .M and Vinobaba. M (2012), Diversity of Mealybugs in home gardens of the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka: Implications of the threat of invasive pests, Proceedings of the Symposium, Conservation Sri Lanka 2012, Institute of Biology, Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Sausiripaya, Colombo, 6th July 2012.
- Jeyanthini.P and Vinobaba.M (2012). Study the feeding efficacy of the Predatory larvae of Genus Lutzia (Diptera:Culicidae) during its larval life. Proceedings of the abstracts International research Conference 2012. (JUICE-2012) University of Jaffna 20-21 July 2012 p 183.
- Prishanthini. M and Vinobaba. M (2012), Host range and distribution of the papaya mealybug Paracocccus marginatus in the Batticaloa District, Research Symposium of The Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2012, 22nd & 23rd November 2012.
- Dharshini S. and Vinobaba. M (2012) Assessment of Dengue Risk by means of Larval Indices and Insecticide Susceptibility in two localities of Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. Research Symposium of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2012, 22nd & 23rd November 2012. p37.
- Jeyanthini. P and Vinobaba. M (2013). Study on the egg hatchability and the life cycle of predatory mosquito Genus Lutzia (Theobald,1903) International Symposium of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 11th &12th January 2013, p68.
- Jeyanthini. P and Vinobaba. M (2013). Feeding preference of predatory larvae of genus Lutzia. International Symposium of South Eastern university of Sri Lanka, 6th & 7th July 2013 p 29-33.
- Prishanthini. M and Vinobaba. M. (2013). Life cycle of the mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis in shoe flower plants under the Laboratory conditions. International Symposium of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 6th & 7th July 2013 p 57-62.
- Prishanthini. M and Vinobaba. M. (2013). Survey on incidences of mealybugs from the Banana and plantain crops (Musa sp) in the Jaffna District, Sri Lanka. International Conference on Agriculture and Animal Sciences (Agri Animal 2013) 8th & 9th July 2013Proceedings p529-538.
- M. Prishanthini, M. Vinobaba and R. Gnaneswaran (2013), Seasonal incidence of Grey Pineapple mealybug, Dysmicoccus neobrevipes (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in the Banana plantations of Jaffna .
- M.Prishanthini, M. Vinobaba and R. Gnaneswaran (2013), Diversity and distribution of mealybug pests (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) affecting fruit and vegetable crops in the Northern and Eastern parts of Sri Lanka. International Conference on Bio-Diversity 2013
- M.Prishanthini, M.Vinobaba, R.Gnaneswaran and J.Poorani (2014), Diversity of Hymenopteran Parasitoids attacking on mealybugs from low country dry zone of Sri Lanka (2014), World Biodiversity Congress (WBC 2014), Nov 24-27 . page 93
- M.Prishanthini, M.Vinobaba and R.Gnaneswaran (2015), Association of ants and the cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley) population and its influence on the spread of mealybugs in the home gardens, ANet International Conference. University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 23-26th October 2015 p 40-41
- S.Kishoran,J.M.Harris, M.Vinobaba and P.Vinobaba (2016) Bird Diversity and threat to existence in their habitat at sathurukondan in Batticaloa. International Conference on Bird, BioDiversity and Tourism. Published by The International Institute of Knowledge Management, Nov 14-15. P9
- W.A.D.Shashikala Wijesooriya and M.Vinobaba (2022) SALINITY TOLERENCE OF Culex sp LARVAE COLLECTED FROM DENGUE HOTSPOTS IN BATTICALOA DISTRICT SRI LANKAPresented at the International Conference of Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University from 9th-11th November 2022
- W.A.D.Shashikala keshani and M.Vinobaba (2022) Salinity tolerance of Aedes sp Mosquitoes and its impact on Dengue cases in Batticaloa district.Presented at the SLAAS Annual session 11-16th December 2022
- Kalasooriyan.A.A.S.N, Ranathunge,T and Vinobaba.M (2023) Medically important rove beetles in Batticaloa, International conference on Multidisciplinary Research(ICMR), Eastern University, Sri lanka, Tamil Nadu teachers education University, India, and ESN publication, India.23rd-25th January 2024 p 71
- KalsooriyanA.S.N. and Vinobaba.M (2023) Biology of Paederus beetle: its victm perception and control measures at the eastern University premises. Annual research Session, faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 4th October 2023 ,p6
- Gunarathna, S. M. D. P., Vinobaba.M., and Udayakanthe W.S., (2024). "Exploring ant diversity: Updated inventory of Eastern University premises in Sri Lanka". In Proceedings of the IPURSE
Publications in the refereed Journals
- Vinobaba. and Vinobaba, P. (1992) Parasites of fishes in Batticaloa, a preliminary communication Vingnam- Journal of Science 7 ; 41-43
- Vinobaba,P. and Vinobaba, M. (1993) Fish disease and fungi. Vingnam-Journal of Science 8; 41-47
- Vinobaba, M. (1993), Dagger ,a mutation that caused scalloping at the wing margin of Drosophila melanogaster. D.Phil Theisis, University of Sussex, United Kingdom.
- Vinobaba, P and Vinobaba, M (2004) Mass mortalities among finfish, shell fish and invertebrates from Pillaiyarady and Sathurukondan of the Batticaloa Lagoon. Faculty of Graduate studies 2004, p29-38
- Vinobaba, P. and Vinobaba, M. (2007) Some treatment methods for monogenean parasites of fish (accepted for publication in the journal of Science)
- Vinobaba, P. and Vinobaba, M. (2007). Differentiating Gyrodactylus species an ectoparasite infection of guppy Poecilia reticulata. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Research Session 2007, EUSL, p182- 194.
- Shamla, A. C. F. and Vinobaba, M. (2008) Identification of worker ants at Vantharumoolai region, Eastern province, a preliminary communication. published in Journal of Science (JSc) Eastern University 5:1 p 96-104
- Prishanthini, M. and Vinobaba, M. (2009) First record of new exotic Mealybug species, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, 1898(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), its Host range and abundance in the Eastern Sri Lanka. JSc , Eastern University Vol 6. No.1. 88-101
- Dharshini.S., Vinobaba.M., Jude.P.J., Parakrama Karunaratne. S.H.P and Surendran.S.N (2011) prevalence and Insecticide susceptibility of Dengue vector in the District of Batticaloa, Eastern Sri Lanka. Tropical Medicine & Health 39:2npp 47-52
- Prishanthini. M and Vinobaba. M. (2014). Efficacy of some selected botanical extracts against the Cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis(Tinsley) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication. ISSN 2250-3153
- Santhalingam Thanusanth, Sakthivel Kishoran, Jalaldeen Mohamed Harris, Muthuladchumy Vinobaba and Periathamby Vinobaba (2018) Avifaunal diversity and composition of Vellakattukulam,bBatticaloa district, Sri Lanka.BEST: International Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences (BEST: IJHAMS) ISSN (P): 2348-0521, ISSN (E): 2454-4728 Vol. 6, Issue 7, Jul 2018,45-52
- Rajamanickam Dhivya and Muthuladchumy Vinobaba (2019) Biological control of Aedes mosquito larvae (dDptera: Culicidae) using three larvivorous fish species in laboratory condition Best: Internationa Journal of Humanities , Arts, medicine and Sciences (BEST:IJHAMS) ISSN (P)2348-0521, ISSN 2454-4728Vol7,Issue 5 May 2019 19-26
- Vinobaba, M., Kanesharatnam, N., and Thamilvannan, N (2020) A Case Study on the Outbreak of Paederus dermatitis Caused by Rove Beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Women´s Hostels of Eastern University, Sri Lanka Journal of Science - Eastern University, Sri Lanka Vol. 11 No.01
- A. M. N. S. Poornima; W. M. L. S. Weerasekara; M. Vinobaba and K. A. N. K. Karunarathna (2021)Community-level awareness and attitudes towards human–monkey conflict in Polonnaruwa district, Sri Lanka. Primates journal.
Research Interest
- Developmental Genetics, Developmental Biology and Entomology
- Supervising Special Degree in Zoology students on Study of Mealy bugs and control measures as botanicals and Study of Aedes mosquito and control measures at Batticaloa District.
- Collaborative research on mosquitoes with Dr.S.N.Surendran, Department of Zoology, University of Jaffna.
- Study of Mosquitoes from the Batticaloa District , Faculty
- Eukaryotic Genetics
- Genetics
- Developmental Biology
- Developmental Genetics
- Insect Taxonomy and Biology
- Pest Management
- Laboratory techniques
- Animal Diversity
Presidential Awards
- Surendran S.N; Jude P.J; Dharshini.S; Shobana.R, Vinobaba.M (2010) Salinity tolerance and brackish water breeding ability of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Sri Lanka: implication for Dengue control in the Country. International symposium on Recent Advances in Ecology and Management of Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases. 1-2 Dec 2010. Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDE), DRDO, Ministry of Defence Jhansi Road, Gwalior-474002(M.P) India.
- Ramasamy.R; Surendran S.N; Jude P.J; Dharshini.S and Vinobaba.M (2011) Aedesaegypti and Aedes albopictus larvae in Peri-urban brackish water collections in relation to the transmission of Dengue & other Arboviral diseases SEID Symposium,Bankok 6-7 October 2011.
Research Grants
- A study of domestic mosquito species in the Eastern region of Sri Lanka. Faculty Research
grant, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2006
RS. 34,000.00 - Bionomics of mealy bug species of the low country dry zone, Sri Lanka and their potential threats to the Agriculture. National Research Council (NRC) award in 2011, NRC 11-92
Rs.30,06700.00 - Support for Research Equipment award from National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2016 RG/2016/EQ/07 Euduro TM Horizontal Gel boxes RG/2016/EQ /08 Micro centrifuge RG/2016/EQ/09 High performance Gradient Thermal Cycler
Positions Held
- 25th March 2022 - 24th March 2025 - Head Zoology
- 25th February 2022- 24th March 2022 - Acting Head/Zoology
- 17th February 2016- 16th February 2019 -Dean/Science
- 1st November 2013 to 31st October 2016, Head, Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- 18th October 2010 to 18th October 2013 Dean, Faculty of Science.
- 18th October 2007 to 17th October 2010, Head, Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- October 1995 to May 1997, Head, Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- September 2003 to October 2004, Academic Coordinator, External Degrees Unit, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- September 2003 to October 2004, Academic Coordinator, Post Basic Diploma in Nursing, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- 24th May1999 to date- Senior Lecturer Grade I Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- 24th May 1993 – 23rd May 1999 - Senior Lecturer Grade II Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- 1992-23rd May 1993 - Permanent Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- 23rd February 1987-1992 - Permanent Assistant Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- 1985-1987 - Temporary Assistant Lecturers, Department of Zoology, University of Jaffna, Jaffna
Last Updated