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  1. The following types of submissions are invited for the ARS 2023:
    1. Full Paper: Research work based on the examined undergraduate research projects done in the Faculty of Science EUSL only. The abstract of the accepted papers will be published in the ARS 2023 Proceedings. Selected full papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of Science (JSc) published by the Faculty of Science, EUSL after their own review process. Therefore, the authors should indicate their willingness via correspondence if the submission further be considered for publication in the JSc.
    2. Extended Abstract: Extended abstracts are invited from all the researchers both from the EUSL and other Universities. The accepted submissions will be published as Abstracts in the ARS 2023 Proceedings.
  2. The Editorial Board for the ARS 2023 will use double-blind peer review; authors are required to submit the anonymized
    1. Full Paper and abstract with a separate Title Page;
    2. Extended abstract and abstract with a separate Title Page.
  3. The Abstracts, Extended abstracts, and the Papers should be original research works of the authors and have not been presented or published elsewhere.
  4. The Abstracts, Extended abstracts and the Papers that do not comply with the guidelines will not be considered.
  5. The Abstracts, Extended abstracts, Papers and the Title Page should be written in English.
  6. The Abstracts, Extended abstracts, Papers and the Title Page should be submitted electronically to the conference email:
  7. The deadline for submission of the Abstracts, Extended abstracts and the Papers will strictly be followed by the Editorial Board ARS 2023.
  8. The decision of the Editorial Board ARS 2023 will be final on all the matters pertinent to the acceptance of the Abstracts, Extended abstracts and the Papers.



Format for Preparation of the Abstract, Extended abstract and Full Paper

  1. The Abstract, Extended abstract and the Paper should be prepared using MS Word.
  2. Paper size: A4, Portrait.
  3. Margins: Left margin of 20 mm and all other margins should be 15 mm.
  4. Font & size: Times New Roman, 12 points; single line spaced.

Title Page

  1.  The title of the Abstract, Extended abstract and the Paper should be brief and informative of the contents of the study. It should be in bold, upper case font be used only for the beginning letter of the title and be centered at the top of the page.
  2. Authors’ names and institutional addresses are centered below the title.
  3. Authors’ names: The last name with initials in any preferred order; separated by commas except for the last name that is separated by the word “and”.
  4. Authors’ addresses: The institutional address should be included for each author using superscripts 1,2,3 so on, right at the beginning and the same at the end of each author name.
  5. The corresponding author should be indicated by placing a “*” sign at the end of the name and confirm that contact email address is given.
  6. Indicate the relevant track with a brief justification
  1. Title of the Abstract.
  2. The Abstract should be 1 page in length and comprising exactly one paragraph with a word limit of 350. 
  3. It should summarize the objective of the study, methods, results and conclusion of the research work.
  4. Follow SI units.
  5. No page numbering.

Extended abstract

  1. The Extended abstract should be 3-4 pages in length with page numbering. Word limit is 800.
  2. It should be structured by sections as follows: Title, Introduction (purpose), Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References.
  3. Figures, Tables etc. should be clearly presented, have a caption and be numbered. Photographs and graphics should be included only if they are necessary to illustrate the results.
  4. References: Include only a few main references. References should be cited in the text by numbers within square brackets and listed at the end of the Extended abstract in the order in which they appear in the text. The following format should be used:
 Journal article

Cupini, G. A., Marcellini, P. B. and Mascolo, E. (2017). Regularity of minimizers under limit growth conditions. Nonlinearity, 153, 294-310.


Jones, G. A. and Jones, J. M. (1998). Elementary Number Theory. Springer.


Full Paper

  1. The pages should be numbered.
  2. It should be structured by sections as follows: Title, Abstract, Keywords (3-5), Introduction (purpose), Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References.
  3. Figures, Tables etc. should be clearly presented, have a caption and be numbered. Photographs and graphics should be included only if they are necessary to illustrate the results.
  4. References: Include only a few main references. References should be cited in the text by numbers within square brackets and listed at the end of the Paper in the order in which they appear in the text. The following format should be used:

Journal article

Cupini, G. A., Marcellini, P. B. and Mascolo, E. (2017). Regularity of minimizers under limit growth conditions. Nonlinearity, 153, 294-310.


Jones, G. A. and Jones, J. M. (1998). Elementary Number Theory. Springer.



Oral Presentation Guidelines

  • Each presenter will be given 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for the discussion.
  • Your presentation will be judged by a panel of judges.
  • Presentations may only be given as PowerPoint presentations. 
  • You are kindly requested to prepare your PowerPoint presentation compatible with latest version of Microsoft PowerPoint 
  • Prepare your presentation as a single file to run on PC as a Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation format file (.pptx).
  • Mode of presentation - Face to Face or Virtual presentation
  • All participants must submit a recorded video of the presentation in accordance with the guidelines at least two weeks prior to the conference
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