Mrs Umaramani Mathiventhan
B.Sc(Special). (Hons) (EUSL), M.Phil. (EUSL)
Senior Lecturer (Gr-1) in Botany
Department of Botany
Faculty of Science
Tel: +94 65 2240757, 2240528
Fax: +94 65 2240758
Title: Mrs.
Full name: Umaramani Mathiventhan
Date of Birth: 15th of October 1973
Sex: Female
Nationality: Sri Lankan Tamil.
Marital status: Married
Proficiency in Language: Tamil (Excellent), English (Excellent)
Occupation: Senior Lecturer (Gr1) From 01-02-2017, Department of Botany, Eastern University.
Work Experience:
- Senior Lecturer (Gr11) from 20-04 -2011 to 31-01-2017
- Lecturer( Prob) from 28.04.2003 to 20-04-2011
- Visiting lecturer for Master of Science in Science Education Programme-2016/2017& 2019/2020
- Visiting lecturer for Introduction to Basic Science at the Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic studies Eastern University Sri Lanka for the academic year 2019/2020
- Visiting lecturer for Safety in the Laboratory for the Diploma in Laboratory Technology 2019 & 2023
- Temporary Assistant Lecturer in Botany (from 5.07.2000 to 27.04.2003).
Postal Address:
561/211A, 6th Cross, Lion Center Road, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.
Tel: + 94 65 2229350
Official address:
Department of Botany,
Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Chenkalady, Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94 65 2240757, 2240528
Fax: +94 65 2240758
e- mail: ,
Academic qualification:
- B.Sc (Hons.) in Botany, Second class (Upper Division), 2000. Optional course – Chemistry and Zoology.-EUSL( Four years Special degree)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Biochemistry (part I) – PGIS October 23, 2005, to January 2006.
- MPhill -2011-EUSL(Two years research degree)
- Successful in PG coursework examination of Biochemistry Paper III– Cell and Molecular Biology and Paper IV DIABETES MELLITUS in Annamalai University in July 2019
Links to Publications
Research and Publications:
Research (Dissertation/Thesis/reports)
- Consumption pattern of leafy vegetables in Batticaloa district and the antioxidant capacity of some selected green leafy vegetables-2011-Mphill Thesis
- Preliminary investigation on improving storage quality of raw and processed fruits and vegetables (cashew & tomato) by using locally available methods-2000- BSe Thesis
- Achievement of stable self –sufficiency in paddy production of Batticaloa-need a planned approach-1999-research report
Conferences and Symposiums presentation
- Mathiventhan, U., Sivakeneshan, R. and Mahendran, T. (2014). Vitamin C content and antioxidant values of green leafy vegetables predominantly consumed by Myocardial Ischemic patients in the Batticaloa district. Peradeniya University International Research Sessions. Proceedings. 18: p.228. (conference iPURSE 2014 - held 4th &5th July 2014)
- Mathiventhan, U., Sivakeneshan, R. and Mahendran, T. (2013) Consumption pattern of Green Leafy vegetables by Myocardial Ischemic (MI) patients in Batticaloa and selection of the best vegetables based on the antioxidant properties. Abstract. International conference of Eastern University, Sri Lanka 2013. p. 72. (conference ICE-2013 held 13th & 14th September 2013)
- Umaramani, P., Arasanilai, S.J. and Jayasingam, T. (2001). Preliminary Investigation of storage quality of processed cashew apple by using locally available methods. Abstract. Annual Research Session (ARS 2001). Eastern University, Sri Lanka.p. p. 26 (conference ARS-2000 held 3rd & 4th May 2001)
- Umaramani, P., Arasanila, S.J., Jayasingamm, T. (2001) Storage potential of half-ripen tomatoes using different packaging. Abstract. Annual Research Session (ARS 2001, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. p. 29-30. (conference ARS-2000 held 3rd & 4th May 2001)
Abstract publication
International publication- Abstract
- L.M. C. M. Maheepala and Umaramani Mathiventhan (2022) Determination of Phytochemicals, Antioxidants, Total Phenolic Content, and Vitamin C Content of Leaf, Stem Bark and Unripe Fruit of Nauclea orientalis Linn in Sri Lanka., International Conference on Food Research, Development and Applications University of Sri Jayewardenepura 2022 pp28(InCoFreDa2022)
- N.C.I. De Silva and U. Mathiventhan(2021) Proximate , Mineral and Phytochemical anakysis of selected wild edible green weeds of commelinaceae family 4th National Symposium on Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Eastern University, Sri Lanka Chenkalady2021 10th March 2021pp33
- Krishanthiny, K* and Mathiventhan, U(2020) Proximate and Phytochemical Analysis of Selected Wild Green Leafy Vegetables International Symposium onAgriculture and Environment 2020 (ISAE 2020) 14th February 2020 Faculty of Agriculture University of Ruhuna Srilanka pp137
- N. Prahadeesh, M. Sithambaresan and U. Mathiventhan (2018) A study on antibacterial activity of natural Coumarins and Coumarin derivatives against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli Asian symposium on Medicinal Plant,Spices and ther Natural Products XVI 12-14, December 2018,BMICH,Colombo,SriLanka pp73.
- K. Krishanthiny and U. Mathiventhan(2018) Antioxidant and mineral analysis of selected wild green leafy vegetables available in Batticaloa. Asian symposium on Medicinal Plant, Spices and ther Natural Products XVI 12-14, December 2018,BMICH,Colombo,SriLanka. Pp226
- Mathiventhan, U., Sivakeneshan, R. and Mahendran, T. (2014). Vitamin C content and antioxidant values of green leafy vegetables predominantly consumed by Myocardial Ischemic patients in the Batticaloa district. Peradeniya University International Research Sessions. Proceedings. 18: p.228. (ISSN 1391-4111& ISBN 978-955-589-180-6)
- U Mathiventhan, R. Sivakeneshan and T. Mahendran (2013) Consumption pattern of Green Leafy vegetables by Myocardial Ischemic (MI) patients in Batticaloa and selection of the best vegetables based on the antioxidant properties. Abstract International conference of Eastern University ,Sri Lanka 2013 pp72
National publication- Abstract
- L.M.C.M. Maheepala and U. Mathiventhan (2022) Phytochemical Components and Antibacterial Activity of Leaf, Stem Bark and Unripe Fruit Extracts of Nauclea Orientalis Linn. in SriLanka Proceedings of the 5th National Symposium on Agriculture (5th NSA 2022) Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka,. PP49
- Tharanga C, Koneswaran, M, Mathiventhan U(2022), M A Study on Heavy Metal Ions Adsorption and Antibacterial Activities of Cashew Nut Shell Based Activated Carbon ANNUAL RESEARCH SESSION-2022 FACULTY OF SCIENCE EASTERN UNIVERSITY, SRI LANKA 4th october2022
- Kumarasinghe, K.H.A.J.S.S, Sithambaresan, M, Matheventhan, U and Premkumar S (2022) Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of antibacterial activity of a dimedone derivative and its nickel (II) complex ANNUAL RESEARCH SESSION-2022 FACULTY OF SCIENCE EASTERN UNIVERSITY, SRI LANKA 4th October 2022
- Lufna, MAF .1*and Mathiventhan, U (2022), DEVELOPMENT OF FIBRE ENRICHED BISCUIT USING JACKFRUIT (Artocarpus hetrophyllus) RIND POWDER Proceedings of the Annual Research Session– Faculty of Technology: 6th of October 2022
- Achini Anuruddhika Welagedara1, Masilamani Koneswaran1, and Umaramani Mathiventhan (2021)Preparation of Activated Carbon for the Adsorption of Metal ions and Antimicrobial Activity Annual Research Session Faculty of Science Faculty of Science Eastern University, Sri Lanka (ARS-FOS-2021)14th December 2021 pp9
- N.C.I. De Silva and U. Mathiventhan (2021) Consumption pattern ,Vitamin C,Total Phenolic and Antioxidant content of selected wild edible green weeds of commelinacea Annual Research Session Faculty of Science Faculty of Science Eastern University, Sri Lanka (ARS-FOS-2021)14th December 2021 pp5
- Umaramani, P., Arasanilai, S.J. and Jayasingam, T. (2001). Preliminary Investigation of storage quality of processed cashew apple by using locally available methods. Abstract. Annual Research Session (ARS 2001). Eastern University, Sri Lanka.p. p. 26
- Umaramani, P., Arasanila, S.J., Jayasingamm, T. (2001) Storage potential of half-ripen tomatoes using different packaging. Abstract. Annual Research Session (ARS 2001, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. p. 29-30.
Full Paper publication
International publication & Publication in Index & refereed journal - Full Papers
- K. Ravivarman, U. Mathiventhan (2022) PROXIMATE AND PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SELECTED WILD EDIBLE GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES IN BATTICALOA JSc EUSL (2022), vol. 13, no. 2, p 40-50- (Short communication)
- Moira Carmalita Dharsika Niluxsshun , Koneswaran Masilamani ,and Umaramani Mathiventhan (2021),Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from the Extracts of Fruit Peel of Citrus tangerina, Citrus sinensis, and Citrus limon for Antibacterial Activities :Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications Volume 2021, Article ID 6695734, 8 pages
- S. Arasaretnam1, H. R. P. Prasadini1 and U. Mathiventhan (2021) Qualitative Phytochemical Screening, Anti-Bacterial Activity and TLC Profiling of Different Parts of Three Medicinal Plants , International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (IJMS) Volume 8, Issue 1, 2021 pp 37-58
- Krishanthiny, K* and Mathiventhan, U (2019) Assessment of antioxidant and mineral content in selected wild green leafy vegetables. “Proceeding of 2nd International symposium on Agriculture-2019”, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, held on 9th of January. Pp 142-148.
- Mathiventhan, T,, Jayasingam, T, Umaramani, M (2018) Urban Mangrove Wetlands, Challenges and its Conservation: Sri Lanka Perspectives International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB) Volume 6, Issue 3, 2018, PP 23-26. DOI:
- N. Kapilraj, M. Sithambaresan and Umaramani Mathiventhan(2018) Synthesis and Characterization of Copper(II) Complexes of Salicylaldehyde Semicarbazone and 1,10 Phenanthroline and their Antibacterial Activities International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 7, July-2018 940 ISSN 2229-5518. pp940-946
- N. Prahadeesh, M.Sithambaresan , U. Mathiventhan (2018) A Study on Hydrogen Peroxide Scavenging Activity and Ferric Reducing Ability of Simple Coumarins. Emerging Science Journal Vol. 2, No. 6 December, 2018 .pp417-427 DOI:
- Mathiventhan,T , Jayasingam,T and Umaramani,M (2017) A POST-WAR DEVELOPMENT: EXPANSION OF ROADS AND LOSS OF TREES, International Journal of Current Multidisciplinary Studies IJCMS Vol. 3, Issue,02, February 2017 pp.592-594,
- Madhura, J, Arulnithy, K, Mathiventhan, U, Mathiventhan, T(2016)Yellow Oleander (Thevetia peruviana) Seed Poisoning (YOSP) in the Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka: Is related with Fruiting Season? International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB) Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2016, PP 8-13
- Umaramani M & Sivakanesan R (2015) Vitamin C content of commonly eaten green leafy vegetablesin fresh and under different storage conditions. Tropical Plant Research 2(3): 240–245]
- Mathiventhan, U., Sivaganeshan, R. and Mathiventhan, T. (2014). Identification, market availability and consumption of green leafy vegetables in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Tropical Plant Research, An International Journal (ISSN: 2349 – 1183). 1(2):
- Mathiventhan, U and Sivakaneshan, R (2013) Total Phenolic content and total antioxidant activity of sixteen commonly consumed green leafy vegetables stored under different conditions. European International journal of science and technology Vol.2 No.8 pp 123-131 (ISSN 2304-9693)
National publication- Full Papers
- Umaramani, P., Arasanilai, S. J. and Jayasingam, T. (2001), Preliminary investigation of storage quality of processed cashew apple by using locally available methods, first Annual Research Session (ARS)Sellected papers , Eastern University.pp(62-72. )
- Umaramani. P., Arasanilai, S. J. and Jayasingam, T. (2001), Storage potential of half ripened tomatoes using different packing, first Annual Research Session (ARS), Eastern University.pp(73-88 )
Research Interest
- Plant Biochemistry ( Photochemical ,Phytonutrients & Nutracuticals)
- Plant Antioxidants
- Edible and Medicinal plants
Research Supervision:
Post Graduate Research Supervision
- MSc-Science Education2016
Undergraduate Research Supervision
Faculty of Science
- Analysis of Phytochemicals, Antioxiants, Total Phenolic Content, Antibacterial Activity and Vitamin C content of leaf ,Stem bark and fruit of Nauclea orientalis Linn- L.M. Charmica Madhuwanthi Maheepala-2021
- Preparation of activated carbon from cashew nut shell by physiochemical activation method for enhancing Na, Mg, Cd, Fe, adsorption and study of antibacterial activity. N.Tharanga chandana 2021
- Consumption pattern ,nutrient ,mineral and phytochemical analysis of commelinaceae family wild edible green weeds in Mature Sri Lanka- N.C.I. De Silva June 2020
- Qualitative Phytochemical Screening, Antibacterial assay and TLC profiling of different parts of three medicinal plants- H.R.P.Prasadini-2020
- Preparation of activated carbon from rice husk and application for antimicrobial activity and heavy metal removal from waste water -A. Achini Welagedara 2020
- "Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of antibacterial activity of a dimedone derivative and its nickel(II) transition metal complex " Jayani Kumarasinghe 2020
- Synthesis and characterization of copper(II) complexes o Cinnamaldehyde semecarbazones and their antibacterial activities and the determination of their antibacterial activities- Yenali Hansika Madurawala-2019
- Nutritional ,Phytochemical and antioxidant activities of some wild edible green leaves in Batticaloa diet-K.Krishanthini-2017
- Antioxidant and Antibacterial activity of Synthesized coumarin compounds –Prahadeesh Nagaratnam-2017
- Modification of Tannin extracted from the bark of Acacia auriculiformis for the application od metal adsorption and antibacterial activity- Vernuja Kathiresapillai-2017
- Synthesis and Characterization of Copper (II) Complexex of Salicylaldehyde Semicarbazone and 1,10 Phenanthroline and their Antibacterial activities-Kapilrajah Natkunarajah-2017
- Green synthesis and Characterization of silver nano particle derived from Citrus tangerine Citrus sinensis And Citrus limon fruit peel extract and evaluation of their antibacterial activity-Moira Carmalita Dharshika Berty Ranjan-2017
Open University Sri Lanka- Bpharm
- Formulation and Evaluvation of an antibacterial cream using Carica Papaya leaf Extract –U.Uthayarajah.A Jeyarajah-2018-Bpham
Faculty of Technology
- Plant based stabilizers instead of gelatin in yogurt production- Lakmali M.N-2021/2022
- Production of ice cream using Goraka (Garcinia cambognia) extract and evaluation of physical, chemical and sensory parameters- Premarathne V.G.S.J. 2021/2022
- Development of fiber enriched biscuit by using jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) rind powder- Lufna M.A.F. 2021/2022
- Product Development of mango puree from different varieties of mango (Mangifera indica L) grown in Sri Lanka- Sandeepani W.A.N-2021/2022
- Production of mix fruit jam using jack fruit and pineapple pulp and evaluation of physical and chemical parameters- Prabhashini P.S.M.2021/2022
Teaching & Examiner:
- BLT 02 Safety in the laboratory(2019,2023)
Under Graduate-Faculty of Science
New Curriculum
- BT4131 -Plant secondary metabolites 2022- to date
- BT3022-Biochemistry 2021- to date)
- BT3072-Economic and industrial botany 2021-to date
- BT2051 Plant Morphology and Anatomy 2020-2021
- >BT2061 Plant Morphology and Anatomy 2020-2021
- BT2072 Molecular Biology 2020-2022
- BT2092 Plant Biochemistry 2020- to date
- >BT2082 Biostatistics 2020- to date
- BT1011Plant cell 2021 to date
- BT1021Plant cell Practical 2021 to date
- BT1041 Basic Plant physiology 2019- to date
- BT1051 Basic Plant physiology 2019- to date
- EN1032 Basic Biology 2020-2022( Physical science )
- BS 15 Advance Plant Biochemistry 2015-2021
- BT105 Introduction to Environmental science 2016
- BT203 &BT253 Plant Biochemistry 2003- 2019
- BT204& BT254 Industrial Microbiology (2003-2008), (2016-2017)
- BT102 & BT152 Plant Physiology 2014-2017
- >BT202 & BT252 Microbiology (Principles) 2011-2012
- CC103 & CC153 Biostatistics, 2003-2006
- BT101 & BT151 Cell Physiology 2000-2001
- AU1222-Basic Science- 2019/2020
Post Graduate: Master of Science in Science Education
- Applied Biology-2020
- Plant and Animal-Evolution and interaction -2020
- Functional Biology-2016,2020
Positions Held
- Acting /Head department of Botany (January 29th to March 31st, 2023)
- FQAC coordinator from May 2022
- Internal Reviewer for Internal Review 2022
- Member of faculty Curriculum Review and Development Committee members from Nov2020 to date
- Head department of Botany ( From May 25th, 2015 to 24th May 2018)
- Served as the Chairman of the Technical evaluation committee for the lab and office equipment for the Eastern University, Sri Lanka for 2016,2017 &2018
- Served as the Chairmen of the Bid opening committee for the lab and office equipment for the Eastern University, Sri Lanka for 2016,2017,2018& 2019
- Member of Board of Study-External Degree programme Faculty of Science from 08/02/2016 to 07-02-2019
- Acting /Head department of Botany (April 25 2015 to May 24h 2015
- Acting /Head department of Botany (3rd December 2014 to 2nd February 2015)
- Academic counsellor for biological science, Faculty of Science -2013/2014,2017/2018- to date
- Coordinator of Career Guidance Programme / Faculty of Science with effect from September 2005 to March 2007.
- Student Counsellor- Eastern University, Sri Lanka, for the period of one year with effect from August 2005 to August 2007, August 2020 to August 2021
- 2022-ReviewerARSFOT-2022 1st Annual Research session on Faculty of Technology 2022
- 2022-Reviewer FARS-2022 Faculty Annual Research session on Faculty of applied Sciences, University of Vavuniya.
- 2021-JSC,EUSL,ISCA-2021 and NSA2021
- 2020-ASRS-2020-SEUSL and ISDA-2020 Fag University of Jafna
- 2019- Vingnanm Journal of Science is an open access online journal published biannually by the faculty of Science, University of Jaffna. We found one research article ‘Antioxidant activity in selected fresh vegetables in Jaffna’