Prof. F. C. Ragel

B.Sc.Hons. (EUSL), Ph.D. (Wits), Accredited Teacher In Higher Education (SEDA, UK), C.Phys.(SL)
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science
Telephone: +94 65 2240754
Full Name : Flavian Chalmus Ragel
Permanent address : 99/2, Lake Road, Sinna Uppodai,
Sri Lanka.
Date of birth : 25th February 1966
Place of birth : Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Sri Lankan Burgher
Civil status : Married.
Employment Record:
21st December, 2017 to date – Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, EUSL.
23rd November, 2016 to 20th December 2017– Professor in Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, EUSL.
2nd May 2011 to 22nd November, 2016 – Senior Lecturer Grade I, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, EUSL.
22nd June 2010 to 1st May 2011 - Senior Lecturer Grade I in Physics, Department of Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka (SEUSL).
22nd June 2004 to 21st June 2010 - Senior Lecturer Grade II in Physics, Department of Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science, SEUSL.
1st April 1998 to 21st June 2004 – Lecturer in Physics, Department of Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science, SEUSL.
Educational Qualifications:
22nd June 2004 - Ph.D. (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics);
School of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa.
1st Feb 1997 - B.Sc.Hons.(Physics) - Second Class (Upper Division);
Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Professional Recognitions
- “Accredited Teacher in Higher Education” awarded by Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), UK (2000).
- Charted Physicist, Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka (2005).
Training / Exposure on teaching-learning-assessment:
- ‘Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education’ course, at Staff Development Centre, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka – 2000.
- Intensive Residential Training Programme on Student Centred Learning, conducted by the Staff Development Centre, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka – 28th to 30th March 2014.
- “Distance Learning Development, Implementation and Capacity Building” by Staffordshire University, UK. – November 2007.
- Three day residential workshop on ‘Enhancing the Quality of Learning in Higher Education” sponsored by the Staff Development Unit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, and the British Council.
- Stakeholder Workshop on Programme Review Manual, conducted by MoHE and HETC– 16th , 17th October 2015.
- One-day workshop on “Innovative and Interactive Teaching Methods” organised by Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council (QAAC). – December 2008.
- Workshop on “Review of Science Study Programmes: Recent Reforms & Lessons Learned and Way Forward” organised by the Standing Committee of Sciences of the University Grants Commission - Colombo, 2010.
- Workshop on “Education in Science: Present Status and Future Directions”, organised by the Standing Committee of Sciences of the University Grants Commission – Kandy, 2005.
- Workshops at EUSL on Curriculum Development based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) concept – 19th & 20th Jan 2015 & 31st Mar & 1st Apr 2015 by Prof. Deepthi Bandara; October 2015 by Prof. Uma Coomaraswamy; Apr 2013 by Dr. Gominda Ponnamperuma.
- Workshop on “Training of Program Reviewers", conducted by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council of the UGC on 14th June 2016 at the Hotel Berjaya, Mount Lavinia.
Links to Publications
- Google Scholar - Scopus - Publons - ResearchGate - ORCID
Research articles published in journals indexed by Web of Sciences (Link to my Researcherid by Clarivate Analytics: :
The research outcomes have been published in internationally reputed refereed journals (indexed by Web of Sciences) as shown below together with number of citations by journals indexed by Web of Sciences:
- R. N. Nasheeha, S. Thirukkanesh, F. C. Ragel, "Anisotropic models for compact star with various equation of state" The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 136: 132; Nature Publishing Group
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 3.228 - R. N. Nasheeha, S. Thirukkanesh, F. C. Ragel, "Anisotropic generalization of isotropic models via hypergeometric equation" The European Physical Journal C (2020) Vol. 80: 6; SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10013 (ISSN: 1434-6044);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 5.172 - F. C. Ragel, S. Thirukkanesh, "General relativistic model for mixed fluid sphere with equation of state" The European Physical Journal C (2019) Vol. 79: 306; SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10013 (ISSN: 1434-6044);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 5.172 - S. Thirukkanesh, F. C. Ragel, Sharma Ranjan and Das Shyam, “Anisotropic generalization of well-known solutions describing relativistic self-gravitating fluid systems: an algorithm” The European Physical Journal C (2018) Vol. 78:31 (9 pages); SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10013 (ISSN: 1434-6044);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 5.172 - S. Thirukkanesh and F. C. Ragel, “ A realistic model for charged strange quark star” Chinese Physics C (2017) Vol. 41 (Issue 1) - CHINESE PHYSICAL SOC, PEOPLES R CHINA and IOP Publishing Ltd, UK (ISSN: 1674-1137);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 3.298 - S. Thirukkanesh and F. C. Ragel, “ Charged analogue of well behaved neutral spheres: an algorithmic approach” Chinese Physics C (2016) Vol. 40 (Issue 4) Page 045101 - CHINESE PHYSICAL SOC, PEOPLES R CHINA and IOP Publishing Ltd, UK (ISSN: 1674-1137).;
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 3.298 - S. Thirukkanesh and F. C. Ragel, “Hypergeometric Equation in Modeling Relativistic Isotropic Sphere” International Journal of Theoretical Physics (2014) Vol. 53 (Issue: 4) Pages: 1188-1200 - SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, USA (ISSN: 0020-7748);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 0.968 - S. Thirukkanesh and F. C. Ragel, “Anisotropic compact sphere with Van der Waals equation of state” Astrophysics and Space Science (2014) Vol. 354 (Issue 2) page 1883 - SPRINGER, NETHERLANDS (ISSN: 0004-640X);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 1.885 - S. Thirukkanesh and F. C. Ragel, “Strange star model with Tolmann IV type potential” Astrophysics and Space Science (2014) Vol. 352 (Issue: 2) Pages 743-749 - SPRINGER, NETHERLANDS (ISSN: 0004-640X);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 1.885 - S. Thirukkanesh and F. C. Ragel “Anisotropic spheres with Van der Waals-type equation of state” Pramana-Journal of Physics (2014) Vol. 83( Issue 1) Pages: 83-93 – INDIAN ACAD SCIENCES and SPRINGER, INDIA (ISSN: 0304-4289);
12 issues per year; Impact Factor: 0.699 - S. Thirukkanesh and F. C. Ragel, “A class of exact strange quark star model” Pramana-Journal of Physics (2013) Vol. 81 (Issue 2) Pages: 275-286 – INDIAN ACAD SCIENCES and PRINGER, INDIA (ISSN: 0304-4289);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 0.699; - S. Thirukkanesh and F. C. Ragel, “Exact anisotropic sphere with polytropic equation of state” Pramana-Journal of Physics (2012) Vol. 78 (Issue: 5) Pages: 687-696 – INDIAN ACAD SCIENCES and PRINGER, INDIA (ISSN: 0304-4289);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 0.699; - F.C. Ragel, P de V du Plessis and A M Strydom, “Kondo behaviour of the solid solution (Ce1-xLax)PtGa”, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (2010) Vol. 71 (Issue 12), Pages: 1694-1701 - PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, ENGLAND (ISSN: 0022-3697);
12 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 2.207 - F.C. Ragel, P de V du Plessis and A M Strydom, “Dilution and Non-Fermi-liquid effects in the CePtIn Kondo lattice”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2009) Volume 21 (No 5) page: 046008 (9pp) – IOP PUBLISHING LTD, ENGLAND ( ISSN: 0953-8984),
48 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 2.617. - F.C. Ragel, P de V du Plessis and A M Strydom, “Effects of La dilution on the CePt2Si2 Kondo lattice”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2008) Vol 20 (No 5) Page 055218 (8pp) – IOP PUBLISHING LTD, ENGLAND (ISSN: 0953-8984),
48 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 2.617 - F.C. Ragel, P de V du Plessis and A M Strydom, “Chemical pressure and magnetic field effects in CePtGa”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2007) Vol 19 (No 50) (19 December 2007) 506211 (15pp) – IOP PUBLISHING LTD, ENGLAND (ISSN: 0953-8984),
48 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 2.617. - F.C. Ragel, V. du Plessis and A.M. Strydom, “Electrical transport of Ce(Pt1-xNix)Ga and CePt(Ga1-yAly) alloys”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, (2007) Vol 310 (Issue 2, Part 1) Pages 365-367 – ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. NETHERLANDS (ISSN: 0304-8853),
24 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 3.046. - F.C. Ragel, V. du Plessis and A.M. Strydom, “Competing effects by Y dilution in CeNiAl4” Solid State Communications (2007) Vol 144 (Issues 10-11) Pages:466-469 - PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, ENGLAND (ISSN: 0038-1098),
24 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 1.549. - F.C. Ragel and P de V du Plessis, “Transition from dense Kondo to the intermediate-valence regime in the Ce (Pt1-xNix)2Si2 alloys”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2004) Vol 16 (No 15)Pages 2647-2660– IOP PUBLISHING LTD, ENGLAND (ISSN: 0953-8984),
48 issues per year; Journal Impact Factor: 2.617
My h-index: 6 in Web of Sciences (Thomson Reuters) and in Google Scholar
Other links to my research profile:
9168-9709 -
detail.uri?authorId=6505989258 -
Peer-reviewed Presentations at National/International Conferences/Symposia published in abstract form:
- S. Hamigah, P. Peratheepan and F.C. Ragel “Development of an apparatus for low-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements” Abstract in proceeding of the Wayamba University International Conference (WinC 2014), Sri Lanka, 29th & 30th August 2014.
- Mohammed Aazir, F.C. Ragel and M. Sriragavan, ‘Automation of multiple data measurements for computer interface’; Abstracts in proceedings of 1st Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference (RISTCON -2014), Sri Lanka – 22nd & 23rd January 2014, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna (ISSN: 391-8796)
- Flavian C Ragel and Paul de V du Plessis, “Kondo hole effect in CeNiAl4 Kondo lattice”, abstract in Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics (2003).
- Flavian C Ragel, Paul de V du Plessis and M B Tchoula Tchokonte, “Resistivity measurements on Ce(Pt1-xTx)2Si2 (T=Ni, Pd) Kondo alloys”, abstract in Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics (2003).
- F. C. Ragel, Paul de V du Plessis and M B Tchoula Tchokonte, “Evolution from dense Kondo to single-ion Kondo behaviour in (Ce1-xLax)Pt2Si2 in Kondo alloys”, abstract in Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics (2002).
- F. C. Ragel, et al, “Construction of resistivity probe, and resistance measurements on YBa2Cu3O7 superconductors”, abstract in Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (1997).
Research Interest
Applications of Einstein’s Field Equations in modelling dense stars;
Science Education.
When attached to Department of Physics, Eastern University Sri Lanka (from May 2011 to date)
Undergraduate courses : Mechanics I (PH 101), Physical Optics I (PH 102), A C Theory (PH 104), Physical Optics II (PH 203), Relativity (PH 205), Electronics I (PH 202), Electronics II (PH 301), Condensed State Physics PH 304, Fundamentals of Statistical Physics (PH 305), Advanced Optics (PH 405-3 credits), Advanced Condensed State Physics (PH 408-3 credits).
Postgraduate Courses: Teaching Classical Physics; Teaching Modern Physics; Electronics.
Visiting Lectures to SEUSL: Physical Optics (PHM 11061), Special Theory of Relativity (PHM 3051), Optical Physics (PHM 3011), Statistical Physics (PHM 3021),Advanced Optics (PHS 32043).
When attached to Department of Physical Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka (from April 1998 to May 2011)
Undergraduate courses: Mechanics (PHC 11), Newtonian Mechanics (PHM 1011), Electromagnetism (PHM 1021), Physical Optics (PHC 15, PHM 1061), Thermodynamics (PHC 17), Environmental Physics (PHM 1071); Quantum Mechanics (PHC 22), Quantum and Atomic Physics (PHM 2012), Solid State Physics (PHM 2021), A C Theory (PHC 25, PHM 2051), Electronics (PHM 2062); Solid State Physics I (PHC 31), Solid State Physics II (PHC 32), Optical Physics (PHM 3011), Statistical Physics (PHM 3021), Special Theory of Relativity (PHM 3051), Modern Optics (PHC 36), Physics in Biology and Medicine (PH 37, PHM 3071).
Visiting Lectures to EUSL: Condensed State Physics (PH 304), Advanced Condensed State Physics (PH 408), Statistical Mechanics (PH 404), Advanced Optics (PH 405).
Conversant with present trends (Outcome Based Education) in teaching-learning-assessment strategies in line with Programme Review Manual-2016; and contributed immensely on related curriculum development.
Research Awards:
- President’s Award for Scientific Research for the best 100 papers published in prestigious journals in the year 2018 where a significant contribution had been made by scientists working in Sri Lanka (awarded on 6th April 2021 at an online event held at the Auditorium of Sri Lanka Institute of Architects).
- President’s Award for Scientific Research for the best 100 papers published in prestigious journals in the year 2017 where a significant contribution had been made by scientists working in Sri Lanka (awarded on 26th August 2019 at the Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo).
- President’s Award for Scientific Publications for highly rated scientific research published in the year 2016 (to be awarded on 19th Nov 2018 at the Grand Marquee, Taj Samudra, Colombo).
- President’s Award for Scientific Publications by HE Maithripala Sirisena for highly rated scientific research as evaluated by peers and published in the year 2014 (awarded on 22nd Nov 2016 at a ceremony held at the Grand Ballroom, Waters Edge, Battaramulla).
- NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publications by National Research Council, Sri Lanka for scientific research published in the year 2010.
- President’s Awards for Scientific Publication by HE Mahinda Rajapaksa for scientific research evaluated by peers and published in the year 2008 in international scientific journals cited in the Science Citation Index (awarded on 17th Jan 2014 at a ceremony held at the Grand Ballroom, Waters Edge, Battaramulla).
- Visiting Scientist (June/July 2007), Physics Department, University of Johannesburg (UJ), South Africa – six weeks research visit fully funded by UJ.
- Visiting Scientist (July/August 2008), Physics Department, University of Johannesburg, South Africa – six weeks research visit fully funded by UJ.
Professional Recognitions
- Accredited Teacher in Higher Education-2000 awarded by Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), UK.
- Charted Physicist, Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka.
- Accredited Reviewer by Quality Assurance Council (QAC) of Sri Lanka for Program Review in State Universities in Sri Lanka ( ).
- Reviewer for Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Elsevier ( )
- Proposal Reviewer for competitive grant (Rs. 100 Mn grant Faculty Proposals & Rs. 15 Mn grant Department Proposals) for ELTA-ELSE Development Project under Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) programme-2018 with Wold Bank assistance.
Awards Received as Student (postgraduate and undergraduate)
- University Council Postgraduate Merit Scholarship for the year 2003’, awarded by the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. This award is based on the outstanding research work done at the MSc (by Research).
- University Postgraduate Merit Award, awarded by the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa during the years 2001, 2002 and 2003.
- Doctoral Research Bursary, awarded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa during the 2003 (only 5% is chosen from overseas students).
- SLAAS Award for the Best Undergraduate Project in Physics for the year 1998’ awarded by Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Nalliah Memorial Award for the best performance at the first examination in Science 1988/89’, awarded by Eastern University, Sri Lanka at its annual convocation.
Positions Held
- Dean, Faculty of Science, EUSL from 18th Oct 2013 to 15th Feb 2016.
- Head of Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, EUSL from 15th Oct 2012 to 17th Oct 2013.
- Head of the Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, SEUSL for three years from 01st February 2005.
- Chairman / Strategic Planning and Statistical Unit, EUSL from July 2015 to date.
- Principal Proposal Writer and Grant Coordinator for three years, Quality and Innovation Grant (Window-2, Round-1), B.Sc. Study Program, EUSL.
- Chairman / Research and Publications Committee, SEUSL from September 2008 to December 2009.
- Chairman / Curriculum Revision Committee, Faculty of Science, EUSL from August 2011 to October 2015; Secretary / Curriculum Revision Committee, Faculty of Applied Sciences, SEUSL for two years from June 2004 to 2006.
- Subject Coordinator for Physics Unit in the Department of Physical Sciences, SEUSL for one year from February 2008.
- Subject Coordinator for Physics Unit in the Department of Physical Sciences, SEUSL for one year from 1st Oct 1999.
- Students’ Counsellor at Faculty of Applied Sciences, SEUSL for three years: from 20th Apr 1999 to 30 June 2000; from 1st Mar 2006 to 28th Feb 2007; and then from 1st Mar 2009 to 31st Dec 2010.
- Academic Counsellor to the Faculty of Applied Sciences, SEUSL for one year and four months from 1st Sep 2009 to 31st Dec 2010.
- Academic Counsellor for Career Guidance Unit to the Faculty of Applied Sciences, SEUSL for one year since 1st Mar 2010 to 29th Feb 2011.
- Served as University Coordinator for the Deyata Kirula National Exhibition-2013 (Ampara).
- Served as University coordinator for SIIIP (Solutions, Ideas, Inventions, Innovations and Products) Awards Programme conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Inventers Commission (SLIC).
- Member of Council, Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka for one year (2014/15).
- Non ex-officio Member of UGC Standing Committee for Postgraduate Study and Research (university nominee) for three years from October 2007.
- Non ex-officio Member of South Eastern University Council (Senate nominee) for 2 years & 8 months from July 2008 to March 2011.
- Non ex-officio Member of South Eastern University Senate (Faculty nominee) from 06th October 2004 to January 2005 (then ex-officio membership as Head until Jan 2008), and then again as member as faculty nominee from Apr 2008 to Mar 2011; non ex-officio Member of Eastern University Senate (Faulty nominee) from Sep 2011 to Nov 2012 (then became ex-officio member as Head and then Dean until 15th Feb 2016).
- Member of Campus Board (Senate nominee), Trincomalee Campus, EUSL from 10th Jan 2013 to Oct 2013.
- Member of Curriculum Revision Committee, Faculty of Applied Sciences, SEUSL 2006 to 2010.
- Member of Library Committee (faculty nominee), SEUSL for three years from October 2004.
- Served as Member of Board of Study – M.Sc. in Science Education, Faculty of Science, EUSL.