Prof. P. Peratheepan

Prof. P. Peratheepan
B.Sc.(Hons.) (Eastern University, Sri Lanka), M.Sc. (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), PhD (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Professor in Physics
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Telephone: +94 65 2240754
E-mail: /
B.Sc.(Hons.) (Eastern University, Sri Lanka), M.Sc. (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), PhD (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Professor in Physics
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Telephone: +94 65 2240754
E-mail: /
Date of Birth : 14th of October, 1974
Sex : Male
Nationality : Sri Lankan Tamil
Civil Status : Married
Educational Background
- Ph.D. in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, August 2013
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Thesis: Thermal, electronic, and magnetic properties of the cage-structured rare-earth system RT2Al10 (R = rare-earth and T = d-electron element) - M.Sc. in Physics of Materials, January 2007
Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Thesis: Study on physical and mechanical properties of Bambusa vulgaris and Dendrocalamus gigantius for possible value addition in industrial flooring - B.Sc. (Hons.) (Special Degree) in Physics, Second Class (Upper Division), February 2002
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Dissertation: Construction of Hartshorn bridge and AC susceptibility measurements on para and diamagnetic materials
Employment History
- Professor in Physics (on Merit), from 12.10.2018 to date
- Senior Lecturer (Grade I) in Physics, from 27.03.2017 to 11.10.2018
- Senior Lecturer (Grade II) in Physics, from 08.10.2013 to 26.03.2017
- Lecturer (Probationary) in Physics, from 27.03.2006 to 07.10.2013
- Temporary Assistant Lecturer in Physics, from 01.08.2002 to 26.03.2006
- Temporary Demonstrator in Physics, from 01.03.2002 to 31.07.2002
Links to Publications
Scientific Articles in International Indexed Journals
- P. Peratheepan, A.M. Strydom, and D. Britz, Effects of Y- and La-doping on the magnetic ordering, Kondo effect, and spin dynamics in Ce1-xMxRu2Al10 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33 (2021) 275602.
- E. Carleschi, B.P. Doyle, J.L. Snyman, E. Magnano, S. Nappini, I. Pis, F. Bondino, P. Peratheepan, and A.M. Strydom, Evidence for strong f-d hybridization in intermetallic ferromagnet CePdIn2, Physical Review B 92 (2015) 235137.
- D.T. Adroja, A.D. Hillier, C. Ritter, A. Bhattacharyya, D.D. Khalyavin, A.M. Strydom, P. Peratheepan, B. Fak, M.M. Koza, J. Kawabata, Y. Yamada, Y. Okada, Y. Muro, T. Takabatake, and J. W. Taylor, Contrasting effect of La substitution on the moment direction in the Kondo semiconductor CeT2Al10 (T = Ru, Os), Physical Review B 92 (2015) 094425.
- P. Peratheepan and A.M. Strydom, Electronic, magnetic, and transport properties of the isotopic aluminides SmT2Al10 (T = Fe, Ru), Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (2015) 095604.
- P. Khuntia, P. Peratheepan, A. Strydom,Y. Utsumi,K.-T. Ko, K.-D. Tsuei, L. H. Tjeng, F. Steglich, and M. Baenitz, Contiguous 3d and 4f magnetism: towards strongly correlated 3d electrons in YbFe2Al10, Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 216403.Supplement Material:
- D.T. Adroja, A.D. Hillier, Y. Muro, J. Kajino, T. Takabatake, P. Peratheepan, A.M. Strydom, P.P. Deen, F. Demmel, J.R. Stewart, J.W. Taylor, R.I. Smith, S. Ramos, and M.A. Adams, Competing 4f-electron dynamics in Ce(Ru1-xFex)2Al10 (0≤x≤1.0): magnetic ordering emerging from the Kondo semiconducting state, Physical Review B 87 (2013) 224415.
- A.M. Strydom, P. Khuntia, M. Baenitz, P. Peratheepan, and F. Steglich, Fluctuations and ferromagnetic instability in YFe2Al10: the role of Fe stoichiometry, Physica Status Solidi B 250 (2013) 630.
- A.M. Strydom, P. Peratheepan, R. Sakar, M. Baenitz, and F. Steglich, Electronic correlation effects in LaFe2Al10 (Ln = Y, Yb), Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80 (2011) SA043.
- A.M. Strydom and P. Peratheepan, Magnetism and electronic correlations in the iron aluminides RFe2Al10 (R = Y, Yb), Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 4 (2010) 356.
- D.D. Khalyavin, A.D. Hiller, D.T. Adroja, A.M. Strydom, P. Manuel, L.C. Chapon, P. Peratheepan, K. Night, P. Deen, C. Ritter, Y. Muro and T. Takabatake, Long-range magnetic order in CeRu2Al10 studied via muon spin relaxation and neutron diffraction, Physical Review B 82 (2010) 100405(R).
- P. Peratheepan, C. Nishan, and F.C. Ragel, Design, construction, and performance evaluation of a solar tunnel dryer with an auxiliary flat-plate solar air heater for bitter gourd drying (Momordica charantia), (submitted to Journal of Science in December 2022).
- P. Peratheepan, J.C.N. Rajendra, and B.S.B. Karunaratna, Study on physical and mechanical properties of Bambusa vulgaris and Dendrocalamus gigantius for industrial flooring, Ceylon Journal of Science: Physical Sciences, 14 (2008) 39.
- P. Peratheepan and N. Pathmanathan, Construction of Hartshorn bridge and AC susceptibility measurements on para and diamagnetic materials, Proceeding of the 2nd Annual Research Session, Eastern University, (2002) 121.
Abstracts in Peer-Reviewed Proceedings of the Conferences
- P. Peratheepan and A.M. Strydom, Exploratory studies of the cage-type compound SmFe2Al10, 54th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa (2009).
- P. Peratheepan, A. Thamizhavel, and A.M. Strydom, Exploratory physical properties of single crystal CeRu2Al10, 54th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa (2009).
- P. Peratheepan and A.M. Strydom, Evolution of magnetic phase transition in CexLa(1-x)Ru2Al10 compounds, 55th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa (2010) p. 75.
- P. Peratheepan and A.M. Strydom, Electronic and Thermal Transport Properties in the CexLa(1-x)Ru2Al10 system, 55th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa (2010) p. 79.
- P. Peratheepan and A.M. Strydom, Thermal transport in the cage-compounds RFe2Al10 (R=Y, Yb), 56th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics, UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa, (2011) p. 131.
- D.T. Adroja, A.D. Hillier, P. Peratheepan, A.M. Strydom, Y. Muro, J.R. Stewart, J. Taylor, F. Demmel, P.P. Deen, and T. Takabatake, Neutron scattering and μSR studies of spin gap formation in Ce1-xLaxRu2Al10, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, United Kingdom, (2011).
- J.L. Snyman, A.M. Strydom, and P. Peratheepan, The magnetocaloric effect in CePdIn2, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, United Kingdom, (2011).
- D.T. Adroja, P.P. Deen, A.D. Hillier, Y. Muro, J. Kajino, T. Takabatake, A.M. Strydom, P. Peratheepan, F. Demmel, J. R. Stewart, and J. Taylor, Evidence of a spin gap above the magnetic ordering temperature and crystal field excitations in CeOs2Al10, International Conference on Magnetism, Korea (2012) p. 333.
- D.T. Adroja, A.D. Hillier, Y. Muro, J. Kajino, T. Takabatake, P. Peratheepan, A.M. Strydom, P.P. Deen, J. R. Stewart, J. Taylor, F. Demmel, and M. Adams, Study of long-range magnetic ordering and spin gap formation in Ce(Ru1-xFex)2Al10 through μSR and neutron scattering measurements, International Conference on Magnetism, Korea (2012) p. 334.
- P. Peratheepan and A.M. Strydom, Effects of Fe substitution for isoelectronic Ru on the magnetic and transport properties of CeRu2Al10, The European Conference Physics of Magnetism, Poznań, Poland (2014) p. 76.
- S. Hamigah, P. Peratheepan, and F.C. Ragel, Development of an apparatus for low-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements, Wayamba University International Conference, Sri Lanka (2014) p. 20.
- Delivered a guest speech on Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development at the 5th International Research Conference (TRInCo 2022) held at Trincomalee Campus, EUSL on held on 10th November 2022.
- Presented a poster on a comparative study of Y- and La-doping on the magnetism in Ce1-xMxRu2Al10, 6th August 2013 in the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, University of Tokyo, Tokyo (2013).
- Presented two posters on exploratory studies of the cage-type compound SmFe2Al10 and on exploratory physical properties of single crystal CeRu2Al10, 54th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa (2009).
- Presented a poster on evolution of magnetic phase transition in CexLa(1-x)Ru2Al10 compounds, 55th Annual Conference of South African Institute of Physics, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa (2010).
- Delivered a talk in the promotional seminar on electronic correlation effects in the cage-structured rare-earth system RT2Al10 (R = rare-earth and T = d-electron element), 13th October 2011 at the Physics Department in University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Delivered a talk in the seminar on a comparison study: magnetic, thermal and transport properties of antiferromagnetic compounds SmT2Al10 (T= Fe, Ru), 30th April 2010 at the Physics Department in University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Delivered a talk in the National Conference on Advance Materials for Emerging Technologies on study on physical and mechanical properties of Bambusa vulgaris and Dendrocalamus gigantius for industrial flooring, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2007).
Research Interest
- Synthesis of cage structured strongly correlated electron compounds, and investigating the underlying physical processes which results exotic electronic ground states of 4f-electron magnetism due to enigmatic electron-electron interactions.
Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka:
- General Degree: Presently teaching Electricity and Magnetism-I (PH 103), General Physics (PH 105), Electricity and Magnetism-II (PH 207), and General Physics II (PH 1033)
- Special Degree in Physics: Presently teaching Electromagnetic Theory and Waves (PHS01), Statistical Mechanics (PHS 04), and Classical Mechanics (PHS06).
- MSc in Science Education: Presently teaching Physics Pedagogy (MSED 2556), Teaching Basic Concepts in Physics (MSED 2557), and Nuclear Physics (MSED 2564).
Faculty of Technology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka:
- Bio Systems Technology (BST) Degree: Macroscopic Physics (MDS 12011), and Renewable Energy Systems (BST 23061).
Faculty Applied Science, Trincomalee Campus, EUSL
- BSc in Applied Physics and Electronics: Physics of Energy (PHY 3242)
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication-2015 by National Research Council (NRC) and Presidential Secretariat, Sri Lanka.
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication-2014 by National Research Council (NRC) and Presidential Secretariat, Sri Lanka.
- NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication-2013 by National Research Council (NRC), Sri Lanka.
- NSF Travelling Fellowship under Overseas Special Training Programme (OSTP) by National Science Foundation (NSF), Sri Lanka, for research at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa from 02.08.2018 to 30.08.2018 .
- Doctor Sabaratnam Prize for Interventional Research-2016, Annual General Convocation, EUSL held on 10.10.2016.
- Commonwealth Scholarship for PhD Study, Commonwealth Commission UK, 2008-2010.
- Doctoral Merit Award for PhD study, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 2008.
Research Grants
- Awarded a research grant for a research project on Optimizing Thermoelectric Performance of Rare-earth based Strongly Correlated Cage Materials by Electronic Substitution, under Development Oriented Research (DOR, 1-STEM) Grants of AHEAD project, EUSL.
- Awarded a research grant by EUSL for a research project on Design, construction and performance investigation of solar drying systems for agricultural and fishery products.
Positions Held
- Dean/ Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- From 25.02.2019 to 24.02.2022
- Head/Department of Physics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- From 01.12.2013 to 30.11.2016 (first term)
- From 01.12.2016 to 24.02.2019 (second term)
- Acting Head/Department of Physics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- From 01.11.2013 to 30.11.2013
- Coordinator/Department of Physics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- From 01.12.2006 to 21.10.2007
- Chairman, Research and Publication Committee (RPC), EUSL
- From Aug 2020 to Nov 2021.
- Chairman, Curriculum Development Committee, Faculty of Science, EUSL
- From April 2022 to date
- Student Counsellor, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- From16.11.2006 to 15.11.2007;
- from 04.06.2014 to 03.06.2015 ,
- From 28.09.2016 to 27.09.2017;
- from 15.01.2018 to 24.02.2019
- Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Faculty of Science, EUSL
- From 04.11.2013 to 08.06.2016.
- Deputy Coordinator (Activity-1), Quality & Innovation Grant (QIG), HETC Project, Faculty of Science
- From 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013.
- Coordinator for Soft-skills of the University Development Grant (UDG), HETC Project, Faculty of Science.
- From 17.02.2012 to 16.02.2015
- Senate Nominee to Campus Board, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- From 19.09.2014 to 09.01.2016
- Member of the Sports Advisory Committee, EUSL
- From 05.05.2015 to 04.05.2016;
- From 01.11.2016 to 30.10.2017;
- From 01.11.2016 to 30.10.2018,
- From April 2023 to date.
- Member of the Self Evaluation Report (SER) Writing Team, Institutional Review (2016); Criterion 5: Student Assessments and Awards.
- Member for Self Evaluation Report (SER) Writing for Programme Review (2022); Criterion 6: Innovative and Healthy Practices.
- Academic Counsellor at the Faculty of Science, EUSL for the Physical Science Students of academic year 2013/2014.
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