Dr. P. Rodney Fernando

PhD (Condensed Matter Physics), University of Johannesburg, South Africa.MSc (Physics of Materials), University of Peradeniya,BSc ( Hons.) ( Physics Special ) Second Upper Division, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Senior Lecturer (Grade I)
Email: rodneyp@esn.ac.lk / Piusrf@gmail.com
Contact: +94 71 849 7074
Research Interest: New Innovations and Inventions, IOT-related research, Material Science, Polymers, Renewable Energy and resources, and Superconducting Materials.
Personal Details
Title: Dr
Full Name: Pius Rodney Fernando
Address :
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science,
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Email: rodneyp@esn.ac.lk
Residential :
11 / 2 Boundary Road,
Tel. 065 222 88 13
Mobile: 071 849 70 74
Email: Piusrf@gmail.com
Date of Birth: 1973 April 15th
Religion: Roman Catholic
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Married
Nationality: Sri Lankan
NIC No. : 731061203 V
- Degree: PhD
University: University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Medium: English
Research: Investigation into the magnetic properties of Cr alloys. - Degree: Master of Science in Physics of Materials
University: University of Peradeniya
Medium: English
Research: Bi and Y based Superconductors -
Degree: Bachelor of Science ( Special )
University: Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Class: Second Class ( Upper Division )
Research: Multimedia Technique. ( Interactive Study Pack On Physical Electronics )
Medium: English
Subject Offered: Physics, Applied Mathematics and Chemistry
- Certificate in Senior Tutor - By University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Institution: Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Designation: Senior Lecturer Grade 1
Duration: 03.04.2018 to now - Institution: Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Designation: Senior Lecturer Grade II
Duration : 02.01.2016 to 02.04.2018 - Institution: Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Designation: Lecturer (Probationary)
Duration : 03.04.2007 to 01.01.2016 - Institution: Faculty of Health Care Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Designation: Assistant Librarian
Duration : 02.02.2006 to 03.04.2007 - Institution: Department of Physics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Designation: Temporary Demonstrator / Temporary Asst. Lecturer
Duration: 01.03. 2002 to 01.02.2006 - Institution: Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Designation: Research Field Assistant
Duration: October 1994 to September 1993
- Tamil,
- Sinhala, and
- IELTS (Band 6.5) - British Council, Sri Lanka.
Links to Publications
International Publications:
Research papers:
International Journals:
- P. R. Fernando, A. R. E. Prinsloo, C. J. Sheppard, Seebeck coefficient of Cr100−zOsz alloy system. AIP Advances 12 (3), 035324, 2022.
- P. R. Fernando, A. R. E. Prinsloo, C. J. Sheppard, Physical properties and magnetic phase diagram of (Cr90Ir10) 100-yVy alloy system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 872, 159635, 2021.
- P.R.Fernando, A. R. E. Prinsloo, C. J. Sheppard and L. Lodya, Putative quantum criticality in the (Cr90Ir10)100-yVy alloy system, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 115, 17E120, 2014.
- C. J. Sheppard, A. R. E. Prinsloo, P. R. Fernando, A. M. Venter and A. M. Strydom, Quantum critical behaviour in the (Cr97.5Si2.5)100-yMoy alloy system. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 113, 17E146, 2013.
- P R Fernando, S M Aazir, N Pushpalatha, N Puvanakanthan, V H T Nishantha, The Performance of the Low Cost Masonry Cement Blocks as a Partial Substitution of Coconut Shell Ash, American Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, USA, 2(6), 212-220, (2018). DOI: 10.11648/j.ajmie.20170206.12.
- Fernando P R, Devika Madushani L A, Praththana M and Nanayakkara H M, Synthesis and Characterization of Clay Brick Using Waste Groundnut Shell Ash,
- Journal of Waste Resources and Recycling, USA, 1(1), 101, (2018).
- Fernando P R, T. Hamigah, S. Disne, G. G. A. K. Wickramasingha and A. Sutharshan The Evaluation of Engineering Properties of Low Cost Concrete Blocks by Partial Doping of Sand with Sawdust: Low Cost Sawdust Concrete Block, International Journal of Strategic Engineering, USA, 1(2), 26-42, (2018). DOI: 0.4018/IJoSE.2018070103.
- P R Fernando, G L Kannangara, G P Buddhika, A Urushiya, Synthesis and Characterization of Sustainable Man-Made Low Cost Clay Bricks with Bamboo Leaf Ash. Engineering Physics, USA, 2(1), 15-22, (2018). DOI: 10.11648/j.ep.20180201.14.
- P R Fernando, H A Y N Hatangala, S Karunagaran, DMJC Dissanayake, Evaluates Some Engineering Properties of Innovative Sustainable Cement Blocks as a Partial Replacement of Groundnut Shell Ash (GSA), ACTA SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE, 2(7), 2-7, (2018). ISSN: 2581-365X.
- P.R. Fernando, C.J. Sheppard and A.R.E. Prinsloo, Superconductivity and quantum criticality in Cr100-zOsz, Acta Physica Polonica A, Poland, 131(4), 1132-1134, (2017). DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.131.1132.
- Karthika U, Parthipan K, Shandarabavan T, Ismail R, Jeeva A, Designing a Cooker to Utilize the Natural Waste Rice Husk as a Cooking Gas, Advances in Recycling & Waste Management, USA, 2(1), 117, (2017). DOI: Adv Recycling Waste Manag 2:117, 10.4172/2475-7675.1000117.
- Fernando P R, Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Fired Clay Brick on Partial Replacement of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) with Brick Clay, Advances in Recycling & Waste Management, USA, 2 (1), 1, (2017). DOI: Adv Recycling Waste Manag 2:120. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000246.
- Fernando P R, Mechanical and Physical Properties of Fired Clay Brick Partial Doped with Coconut Shell Ash, American Journal of Energy and Natural Resources, 6(5), 58-63, (2017). DOI: 10.11648/j.jenr.20170605.11.
- Fernando, Pius Rodney. Physical Properties of Cr100-xIrx, (Cr90Ir10) 100-yVy and Cr100-zOsz) Alloys. Diss. University of Johannesburg, 2017.
- P R Fernando, L A D Madushani, M Praththana, H M Nanayakkara, Synthesis and characterization of clay brick using waste groundnut shell ash. Journal of Waste Resources and Recycling 1 (1), (2019).
- P R Fernando, S Krishanth, NB Rathnayake, SA Welarahne, Manufacturing, Physical and Chemical Characterization of Fire Clay Brick Value Added with Cow Dung Ash. American Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing, 4 (1), 32-36, (2019).
- P R Fernando, Compressive strength, density and water absorption of clay bricks with partial replacement of lime and rice husk ash, Global Scientific Journal, 8 (5), (2020).
Conference Proceedings:
- P.R.Fernando, A. R. E. Prinsloo, C. J. Sheppard, Magnetic Phase Diagram of Cr100-xIrx alloys, 57th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, 57-62, 2012.
- P.R.Fernando, C. J. Sheppard and A. R. E. Prinsloo, Magnetic Phase Diagram of Cr100-yOsy alloys, 58th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, 25-30, 2013.
- A. R. E. Prinsloo, C. J. Sheppard, P R Fernando, P Madau, Characterization of epitaxial Cr thin films, 59th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, 30-38, 2013.
- P.R.Fernando, C. J. Sheppard and A. R. E. Prinsloo, Magnetic and transport studies on Cr100-xIrx alloys Single crystal, 59th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, 20-25, 2014.
Local Publications:
Research papers:
- P. R. Fernando, S.Krishanthan, Intervention of CIDA restore project for providing safe drinking water to the villages Palameenmadu and Puthukkudiyiruppu, 2nd Conference of CIDA Restore Project,2009.
- P.R.Fernando, A.Parvathakeethan, V.Einon Mariya, Producing Lightweight Concrete Using Tobacco Wastes,1st Conference of CIDA Restore Project,2008.
- P.R.Fernando and N.Pathmanathan, Fabrication and Characterization of Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3OY Superconductor prepared by Solid State Reaction Techniques. Sri Lankan Journal of Physics, 7, 7-13, 2006.
- P.R.Fernando and N.Pathmanathan, Preparation and Resistance measurements of Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO Superconductor, ARS (Annual Research Session),2005.
- M Puwanasingam, P R Fernando, F C Ragel, The influence of Ag doping on structrual and electrical resistivity properties of Y3Ba5Cu8O18 high temperature superconducting alloys. Journal of Science 10 (1), 2019.
- P.R.Fernando, A. R. E. Prinsloo and C. J. Sheppard, Electrical Resistivity measurements and Magnetic Phase Diagram of Cr100-xIrx alloys, HETC International conference, 2014.
Attended Workshops:
- Workshop on Undergraduate Curriculum Development, Conducted by the Faculty of Science, EUSL, (2017).
- Project Proposal presentation for Master of Science in Science Education, EUSL, (2017).
- Undergraduate research presentation, Department of Physics, EUSL, (2017).
- Workshop on Implementation of the Enhancement Plan for Teaching and Learning, conducted by the faculty of science, EUSL, (2017).
- International Symposium of Gender Equity and Equality (ISGEE) (2017) conference held at the EUSL.
- Workshop on lesson plan conducted by the faculty of science, EUSL, (2017).
- One day workshop on “The Art of Living”, conducted by the Career Guidance Unit, Eastern University, Sri Lanka in collaboration with the RDHS Batticaloa, (2009).
- One day workshop on “Performance Indicators for Higher Education”, conducted by QAA Council of the UGC, SDC, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, (2009).
- One day workshop on “Need for quantifiable Performance Indicators for Quality Assessment in Higher Education”, conducted by QAA Council of the UGC, SDC, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, (2009).
- One day workshop on ”Planning the New Higher Education Project”, conducted by QAA Council of the UGC, (2009).
- Participated five days Training Course on “Lessons Learnt from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Process in Aceh, Indonasia” conducted by the University of Syiah Kuala, Indonesia in (2009).
- Participated two days workshop on “Canada’s Tsunami Lessons Learned Conference” conducted by the CIDA Restore Project, Universities of Canada/Sri Lanka in (2009).
- Participated two days workshop on “Disaster Management” conducted by the Office of CIDA Restore Project of South Eastern University, Sri Lanka in (2008).
- Participated two days training workshop on “Participatory Rural Appraisal and Planning (PRAP)” conducted by the Office of CIDA Restore Project of Eastern University, Sri Lanka in (2007).
- Participated the workshop on “Post-Tsunami Rebuilding and Recovery in India for Sri Lankan Visitors”, India (2007).
- Participated the workshop on “Writing and Publishing Academic Quality Papers” conducted by the National Institute of Library & Information Sciences (NILIS), Sri Lanka (2006).
- Participated two days conference on “Canada’s Tsunami Lessons Learned Conference” conducted by the CIDA Restore Project, Universities of Canada/Sri Lanka in (2009).
- Participated two days conference on “1st Conference of the CIDA Restore Project” at Kalutara, (2008).
- Participated two-day international conference on “International Peace Capacity Building”, at Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2006).
- Participated the international conference on “Marketing Information”:Best of two worlds organized by University Librarians’ Association of Sri Lanka (2006).
Research Interest
- New Innovations and Inventions,
- IOT-related research,
- Material Science,
- Polymers,
- Renewable Energy and resources
- Superconducting Materials.
Undergraduate Supervision:
Faculty of Science
- Influence of Silver on Structural effects of new high temperature superconductor Y3Ba5Cu8o18.
Name of the student: Mr P Maheshwaran
Faculty of Technology
- Value addition of plastic with clay to manufacture plastic clay bricks
Name of Student: Miss D Ranjanidevi - Utilization of plastic water bottle waste for making bricks with the use of Sand.
Name of Student: Mr S Kishokumar
Postgraduate Supervision:
- The impacts of simulated video-assisted instruction on secondary school students’s achievements.
Name of Student: Mr A L A Hameed - Factors related to number of students in bilingual classes in Jaffna district schools.
Name of Student: Mrs S Ragunathan
Project Supervisor (School):
- T/Sally Ambal Maha Vidyalayam – Designing a replant – school students project (2016)
Department of Physics: (Since 2002)
- General Physics I
- Elementary Laboratory I
- General Physics I
- Elementary Laboratory II
- Special Theory of Relativity
- Statistical Physics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Biophysics
- Physics Education
- Elementary Laboratory I
- Group Project
Honest Degree:
- Low Temperature Physics
- Superconductivity and its Applications
Department of Agric Engineering: (from 2020 - 2022)
- Applied Mechanics
- Electronics
- Electronics Practical
Department of Multidisciplinary Studies: (From 2016 - 2022)
- Basic Physics
- Basic Physics Practical
- Macroscopic Physics
Department of Biosystems Technology: (From 2016 - 2022)
- Farm Structure and Instrumentation
- Renewable Energy Resources
- Energy Resources and Technology
- Group Project
- Research Project
Open University, Sri Lanka: (From 2018 - 2020)
- Quantum Mechanics
- Relativity
- Modern Physics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Waves and Vibration
South Eastern University of Sri Lanka: (2022)
- Superconductivity
- Diploma in Laboratory Technology:
- Basic Electricity and Electronics
- Practical
Master of Science Education:
- Teaching Classical Physics
- Teaching Modern Physics
- Physics Research
- Physics Laboratory
- Research
- Team work and leadership – AHEAD – Faculty of Arts and Culture, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka (2020).
- Teacher Training Programe for GCE(A/L) Physics Teachers – National Institute of Education (2018).
- HETC Scholarship – By World Bank.
- Senior Tutor, Department of Physics, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- HackaDev COVID – 19 Innovation challenge Grant 2020 “Photosensitive Electromagnetic Device”.
- University Research Grant – 2007 “Preparation, XRD Analysis and Resistance Measurements of Bi-based and Y-based Superconductor.
- University Research Grant – 2016 “Preparation, XRD Analysis and Resistance Measurements of Bi-based Superconductor.
Positions Held
- Head / Department of Physics (from 01.04.2019-01.04.2022)
- Board Member – Interim Faculty Board of Technology (from 2016 - 2022)
- Board Member – External Degree of Science
- Lead Students Counsellor (with effect from 2018)
- Student Counsellor (from 2007 to 2018)
- Students Mentor (2017)
- Academic Counsellor (from 2015)
- Member of the Program Review Team - Human and Physical Resources (2018)
- Team Member – Prepare proposal for External Degree Program (2017)
- Member – Internal Quality Assurance Unit (IQAU) (2011)
- Sub committee member – Prepare Faculty By-laws on the Award of Post Graduate Degree Programmes in Science (2011)
- Programme Coordinator – CIDA Restore Project (2007 – 2010)
- Senior Tutor – Department of Physics, University of Johannesburg, South Africa (2014)
- Acting Head/Botany (from 29.11.2022 to 28.01.2023)
- Mentor – Induction Programme for Academic Staff 2020/2021 (2022).
- Mentor – Induction Programme for Academic Staff 2019/2020 (2019).
- Examiner for the post of Technical Officer – South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Member – publication Committee, EUSL (from 2021 to 2023)
- Tem Member- Self Evaluation Report writing, Faculty of Science, EUSL (2019)
- Member – Regional Procurement Committee (RPC) – Minor-OTS (2020 to 2021)
- Deputy project Coordinator (DOR)- AHEAD
- Examiner for the post of Technical Officer – Trincomalee Campus Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
- Joint Secretary – International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
- Director - Centre for Multidisciplinary Research
- Activity - Coordinator – AHEAD
- Focal Point – Faculty Action Plan
- Focal Point – Faculty GEE
- Chair - Technical Evaluation Committee
- Board Member – University Business Linkage (UBL)
- Activity Coordinator – AHEAD (2022 to 2023)
- Coordinator – Faculty of Engineering Technology